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1923 (#703-736)
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which improvement is described as follows: <br /> <br />The opening and extending of Richland Street <br /> <br />in said city from the West line of South Flower Street to <br /> <br />the East line of ~outh Shelton Street. <br /> <br />The use of the word "improvement" in the ordinance <br /> <br />means and s~]l be held and construed to mean the extension <br /> <br />of the described street and the opening thereof as extended. <br /> <br />SECTION II. It is necessary to take land in the <br /> <br />opening and extension of s~id Richland Street, ond the 1snd <br /> <br />necessary to be taken therefor is described ms follows: <br /> <br />Located in the City of S~nta Aha, County of Orange, <br /> <br />State of Ca]ifornia, and more particularly described as fol- <br /> <br />lows: <br /> <br /> Beginning at the Northeast Corner of the Hillyard <br />Addition as per map on file in Miscellaneous Map Book 4, <br />page 32, Records of Orange County, California$ thence Wes- <br />terly along the ~orth line of s~id Hi]]yard Addition to the <br />Northwest corner of Lot l~, Block l, of said Htllyard Addi- <br />tion, being a point in the East line of South Shelton Street; <br />also being the Southwest corner of Lot 29 of Morse Villa <br />Tract as per map on file in Miscellaneous M~p Book 3, page <br />46, Records of Or~nge County, Cmlifornia; thence Northerly <br />along the East line of South Shelton Street being also along <br />the West line of Lot 29, of sa~ Morse Villa Tract a distance <br />of 60 feet; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of <br />said Morse V~lla Tract to an intersection with the West line <br />of Flower Otreet; thence Southerly along the West line of <br />South Flower Street, a distance of 60 feet, to the point of <br />Beginning. <br /> <br />SEC~ON III. A district will be benefitted by e×- <br /> <br />tending ~nd oDenfng ns extended of Richland Street, and the <br /> <br />district so benefitted and liable to be assessed to pey the <br /> <br />expenses of ssid improvement and knows ~s the Assessment <br /> <br />District is, in general terms, described as: <br /> <br />Located in the City of S~nta Aha, County of Orange, <br /> <br />State of California, more perticulsrly described es follows: <br /> <br /> Beginning at the ~outhwest corner of Bishop and <br />Flower Streets, being the Northeast corner of Lot ~, of the <br />Morse Vills Tract as per map on file in Miscellaneous <br />Book ~, page 46, Hecords of Orange County, Cslifornia; <br />thence ~outherly along the ~est line of South Flower ~treet <br />to the ~orthwest corner of Highland ~nd Flower Streets, be- <br />ing the Ooutheast corner of Lot 6, Block l, of Htllyard <br />Addition as per map on file in Miscelleneous M~p Book 4, <br />page 32, Records of Orange County, California; thence Wes- <br />terly ~long the Sorts line of ~ighlend Street to the North- <br />east corner of Sheltou and ~lighlsnd Streets being the South- <br />west corner of Lot 1V, Block l, of said h~lyard Addition; <br />thence ~ortherly along the E~st line of S~helton Street, to <br />the Southeast corner of Shelton and Bishop Streets, being <br />the Northwest corner of Lot 29, of ~he oforemeutioued Morse <br />Vi~la Tract; thence Easterly along the South line of Bishop <br />Street to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />Reference is hereby made to ~ map approved by the <br /> <br />Board of Trustees of the City of S~nta Aha by Resolution No. <br /> <br />1122 spproved on the 5th day of November, 1923, and which <br /> <br />map is now on file in the office of the Engineer. of.sAid <br />city, which mop indicates by a boundsry line in green tint <br /> <br />thereon the extent of the territory included in said assess- <br /> <br />ment district, and showing the land. necessary to be taken <br /> <br />in pink tint and which map shall govern for all details as <br /> <br />to the extent of the assessment'district. <br /> <br />SECTION IV. The Street Su r <br /> De intendent of the <br /> <br /> <br />
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