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150 <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the bouther]y Sxtended <br />center line of Olive Street with the center line of Htckey <br />Street llZ.l$ feet. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the center llne of Olive <br />Street with the center line of West Tenth Street 116.~0 feet. <br /> <br />At a point in the center line of Olive Street 35B feet <br />Northerly from the center line of West Tenth Street 118.~0 feet. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the ~ortherly @~tended <br /> <br />center line of Olive Street with the center line of West -- <br />Washington Avenue 118.80 feet. <br /> The official grsde of end upon Santiago Avenue is hereby <br />fixed and established as follows: <br /> '£~e grade is stated at designated points upon and along <br />the center line of Santiago Avenue and the elevations given <br />are for the top of the crown of the street upon and along <br />the center l~ne thereof as follows: <br /> At the point of intersection 'of th~ Southerly extended <br />center line of Santiago Avenue with the center line of Santa <br />Clara Avenue 158.60 feet. <br /> At the point of i~tersection of the center line of <br />Santiago Avenue with the Easterly ~xtended center line of <br />Edgewood Road 159.60 feet. <br /> At the point of intersection of the center line of <br />Santiago Avenue the North City Limits line 145.00 feet. <br /> Section 2. All of the elevations stated and given in <br />this Ordinance and which are hereinbefore fixed and established <br />~s t~e grades upon South Broadway, South Shelton Street, West <br />Bishop Street, Lowell Street, Olive Street and Santiago Avenue <br />are based upon a datum plane adopted a~d established by <br />Ordinance No. 5V1 of the city of Santa Aha, which datum plane <br />is 124.288 feet below the center of a bench mark consisting <br />of a copper plate fixed and located in t~e Northwest corner <br />of the City Hall of the c~ty of Santa Ana, and marked "U. S. <br />Coast and Geodetic Survey B. M.". All of sa~d elevations are -- <br />expressed in feet and hundredths of feet and are above said <br />datum plane. <br /> SectiOn 3. At all points on each street existing between <br />the consecutive designated points where the elevations are <br />stated and given, the grade oh that street shall conform to a <br />true and uniform gradient along the center line of the street, <br /> <br />between designated points. <br /> <br /> All distances on each street between <br />points at which the elevations are stated <br /> <br />said designated <br /> <br />and given are to <br /> <br />be measured along the center line of that street unless <br />otherwise specifically herein provided. <br /> <br />Section 4. This Ordinance shall be published three times <br />in San~s Aua Da~ly Evening kegister, a daily newspaper printed, <br /> <br /> <br />