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At the point of intersection of the Southerly extended center lln <br /> of Hickory Street with the center lt~e of MeFadden'btreet,~4.80 feet. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the center line of Hickory · <br /> <br />Street with the North llne of ~rmct No. 486, 101.16 feet. <br /> <br />The official grade of ahd upon Kllso~ Drive is hereby fixed and <br />established as follows: <br /> <br /> The grade is stated mt designated points upon and along the center <br />line of Kilson Drive and the elevations given ar~ for the top of the <br />crown of the street upc~ and along ~he center line thereof, as fol- <br />lows: <br /> <br />At the point of intersection of the ~outherly extended center <br />line of Kilaon Orlve with the center itue of NcFadden Street 98.70. ft. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the center ilne of Kiison Drive. <br />with the ~ent~ line of Beverly Place, 98.40 feet. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the center llne of Kilson Drive <br />wlth ~the North llne of Tract No. 468, 100.~8 feet. <br /> The official grade of and upon 0mk~Street· is hereby fixed and <br />established'as follows: <br /> <br /> The grade is stated at destgnate~ points upon and along the center <br />line of Oak Street and the elevations given sre for the te~ of the <br />crown of the street upon and along the center line thereof, as' follows: <br /> At the point of Intermectton of the Southerly extended center ~?e <br />of Oak Street with the center line of NcFadden Street, 9~.~ feet. <br /> <br />At the point of intersection of the center line of Oak Street, <br />with the Easterly extended center llne of Normandy Place:, 98.10 feet. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the center llne of Oak Street <br />with the Nort~ line of Tract No.466, 100.65 feet.' <br /> <br /> The official grade of and upon Beverly Place is hereby fixed ~n~ <br />established as follows: <br /> <br /> The grade is stated at designated points upon and along the cen~er <br />line of Beverly Place and the elewtions given are for the top of the <br />crown of the s~reet upon and along the~ center line thereof, as follows: <br /> <br /> At the point of ,intersection of the center line of BeverlN Place, <br />with the center line of Oak Street, 98.00 feet. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of. the center line of Beverly Pla <br />Place, with t}e center line of Kilson Drive, 98.40 feet. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of.the center line of Beverly Place <br />with the center line of Hickory Street, 99.~0 feet. <br /> <br /> At the point of intersection of the Easterly extended center <br />line of Beverly Place with the Center line of Halladay Street, <br />101.00 feet. <br /> <br /> The official grace of and upon West"sixth Street, is hereby <br />fixed and established as follows: <br /> <br />The grade is. stated at designated points upon and along the <br />center line of West Sixth Street and the elevations given are for the <br /> <br />top of the crown of the <br />of, as follows: <br /> <br />street upon and along the center line there- <br /> <br /> <br />