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175 <br /> <br /> The applicant or applicants, as w~ll as all other <br />users on said m~in or mains, will be required to pay the waterl <br />bills rendered. The Water Department will refund as payments <br />on said construction, for a p~riod of four years, all receipts <br />for water from said main or mains, but not from any extensions <br />thereof. Said refunds will be made semi-annually, and demands <br />therefor will be audited at the regular meetings of the Board <br />of Trustees as a finance committee in June and Januar~j of each <br />year. <br /> <br /> The total refunds will not be greater in any event <br />than the total amount contributed. <br />NUMBEH OF APPLICANTS: <br /> <br /> More tb~u one applicant may Join lu an application, <br />and water mains, fire hydrants, valves and gate boxes will be <br />extended in a slmilar manner as above. <br />CONTPJ~CT FO~ EXTENSION: <br /> <br /> A contract embodying these provisions shall be s igne~ <br />by the Superintendent of the Water Department, and all of the <br />original applicants (if more than one applicant Join in said <br />cash advance to the City) the City of Santa Aha wi3l mske no <br />refunds to any other than said party or parties to this con- <br />tract, or this or their assignee duly registered on said con- <br />tract; and such refunds will be made upon monthly charges only, <br />not on service charges. <br />CONDITION OF REFUNDS: <br /> <br /> No refunds wil2 be made on any m~ns smaller than <br />four inches. The City may require mains larger than the neces-I <br />sities of said tract or said street, if in the Judgement of the <br />Superintendent of the Water Department, such is required by the <br />needs of adjoining or other sections, and such larger mains <br />be installed as herein provided. <br /> <br /> No refunds will be nmde for consumers other than tho~ <br />connecting directly on s~d mains. In case other mains are in-! <br />stalled connecting with szid mains, no refunds will be made to <br />the original contributor for services attached to said later <br /> <br />mains. <br /> <br /> V~hen the supply of water has been turned off for ~ <br />violation of any ordinance, or of any rule, regulation or re- <br />quirement of said City, governing cons~ers of w~ter, it will <br />not be turned on again except upon payment of the am~.unt due, <br />together with th~ additional sun~ of one dollar, which is hereby <br />made a penalty for a failur~ to pz¥ i~.~ said rate, snd to pay <br />ss~d Otty for the turning on of water again. <br /> <br /> In sll~cases where water is supplied to several ten- <br />ants from one connection or tap, the Ciity contracts only with <br />the owner of the property or his authorized agent and on fail- <br />ure to comply with these regulations and pay the rate, the sor- <br />vice will be d~co~tinued until regulations are complied with <br />and rate paid. <br /> <br /> <br />