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OI~D~'NANCE NO. 9~-9 <br /> <br /> ~ Oi~NANCE OF ~E CITY OF SANTA ANA R~.GULAT~NG ~IE <br /> LICENSIN~ ~ OPEt~ATION OF TAX~CABS AN~ FOR-HL~ VEH~CL~ <br /> ON THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA; AND <br /> PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. <br /> <br /> The City Council cf the City of Santa Aha do ordain as f~llows: <br /> <br /> Section 1. That the operation of taxicabs and for-hire vehicles in the City <br />of Santa Aha, California, shall be subject to the conditions, regulations and restrict- <br />ions herein set forth, and it shall be unlawful to operate or cause to be operated in <br />said City any taxicab or for-hire vehicle unless the conditions, regulations and <br />restrictions herein prescribed are complied with. <br /> <br /> Section 2. That no license for the operation cf a taxicab or for-hire <br />vehicle shall be issued, nor shall any taxicab or for-hire vehicle be operated on the <br />streets of the City of Santa Aha unless and until the City Council of said City has <br />issued a certificate that the public convenience and necessity requires the operation <br />thereof. <br /> <br /> Section 5. That an application for a certificate of public convenience and <br />necessity shall be made to the City Council and shall set forth the name and address of <br />the applicant, the name under which the applicant proposes to do business, where the <br />proposed stand or garage from'-~hich the applicant will operate is to be located, the <br />number of vehicles applicant intends to operate, the class, seating capacity, design an~ <br />color scheme of eq~h vehicle, and the lettering and marks to be used thereof; and shall <br />also state whether the applicant, or any of his drivers, have been convicted of any <br />violation of any State Law. Upon receipt of such application the City Council shall <br />make, or cause to be made, an investigation, including any hearing deemed necessary, as <br />to each applicant for such certificate, and shall determine whether or not the public <br />convenience or necessity requires the operation of such taxicabs or for-hire vehicles, <br />and ~ether or not the applicant ~ts a person of sufficient financial ~eap~nsibility and <br />suitable character and qualities to conduct 'such business. That no perso~ who has <br />been convicted of a felony or high misdemeanor shall drive any taxi or public vehicle. <br /> <br /> Section 4. That all taxicabs or for-hire vehicles Ol~at~d over the streets <br />in said City shall be paixrted a distinctive color for each person er cc~apany operating <br />the same, the same to be chosen by the owner thereof, and shall Baw® ~ wo~d "Taxi" <br />painted on the sides of each taxicab or for-hire vehicle. <br /> <br /> Section 5. That it shall be unlawful for any taxicab or for-hire vehicle to <br />precede or follow the routes of the motor busses o~erated over regular routes in said <br />City, or to pick up any persons or passengers awaiting for busses along said routes; <br />or to m~l~e any group pick-ups of passengers in any one taxicab or for-hire vehicle other <br />than those traveling together from the same address or in the same p°arty, or to m,~® <br />group deliveries of persons or passengers from the respective stands or garages used by <br />the respective taxicabs or for-hire vehicles to their respective residences unless all <br />of said p$~aons QF passengers are in the same party or going to the same address in <br />said City. <br /> <br /> Section 6. That all owners of taxicabs or for-hire vehicles licensed to <br />operate in said City shall co~q~ly with all ordinances heretofore adopted relative ~o <br />the payment of license fees and the furnishing of public liability insurance bonds and <br />other provisions of ordinances heretofore adopted not in conflict with the terms hereof. <br /> <br /> <br />