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SECTION 3: boon the receipt of any application for an original permit, as <br />provided in the preceding section, the City Clerk shall investigate the applicant and <br />report in writing his f~ndings to the City Council. Such reoort shall set forth all <br />facts ascertained in connection with the application, but shall not contain any <br />recommendation pertaining to said application. Upon the filing of the report of the <br />City Clerk, the Council of said City may, after the expiration Of the date set forth <br />in the notice above provided for, grant or deny the application, or may in its <br />discretion, require a further investigation by said City Clerk or by other means. <br />boon demand of the City Clerk or said Council, each applicant must furnish his finger- <br />prints and photograph to the Chief of Police. The City Council shall have the power <br />to deny any application if it be deemed by them that the applicant is not a suitable <br />or proper person to carry on the business for which a license is required, or if the <br />place at which the ss~e is proposed to be located, practiced, carried on, or conducted, <br />is not a suitable or proper place therefor. If any application is denied, the amount <br />of money deposited with the City Clerk by the applicant shall be returned to the <br />applicant. <br /> <br /> SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall require an application fee of T~o Hundred <br />(~00.00) Dollars for each q~igin$1 aoolication, filed under the orovisions of this <br />ordinance. A fee of Five($0.O0) Dollars shall be charged for ahy aoplication for a <br />yearly renewal of any permit issued under the p~ovisions of this ordihance, and a fee <br />of five (~0.00) Dollars shall be charged for any application for a change of location <br />of the olace of business for which a permit has been granted under the provisions <br />of this~ordi~ance. Such permit issued by the ~aid City C~uncil shall not be <br />transferable, provided, however, Dhat a fee of Five (~$.00~ Dollars only shall be <br />charged for change of ov~ership in ca~es where the new owner i' ~ ~ ' <br /> ~ is already operating under permit issued unde~ the orovisions of this <br />ordinance[ Any automobile dealer having at least one place of b~siness, may secure a <br />permit for any additional locations by filing an spplication in the form heretofore <br />mentioned, upon payment of the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars for each application for <br />additional locations sought under the provisions of this ordinance. Only one person, <br />firm or corporation'may conduct an automobile dea!er~s business at any particular <br />established place of business, unless any other person or persons desiring to conduct <br />a business at the same location has also received a permit from the City of Santa Ama. <br /> <br /> No person, firm or corporation, to whom a permit has been issued under the <br />provisions of this ordinance, who fails for more than thirty (30) days after the <br />expiration of the time specified in said permit to apply for a renewal thereof, shall <br />be entitled to such renewal, but the permit theretofore issued shall be deemed to be <br />forfeited, and the application must be made to the City Clerk as in the case of an <br />original application. Whoever shall fail for more than fifteen (!5) days after the <br />expiration of any permit issued under the provisions of this ordinance to amply for a <br />renewal thereof, shall be required to pay a penalty of ten per cent (10%) of the amount <br />of the permit fee. Such penalty mha!l be collected by the City Clerk at the time of <br />renewal of said permit. <br /> <br /> SECTION 0: Anybne who now holds or may hereafte~ hold a permit as an auto- <br />mobile dealer, and who discontinues bus~ness for a ~eriod exceeding ninety (~0) days, <br />will automatically relinquish all right or interest in said permit, and the same shall <br />ipso facto be revoked without any further action on the part of the City Council. <br /> <br /> SECTION 8~ Every automobile dealer shall keep a record of the purchase, . <br />consignments, sales or exchanges of each and every motor vehiclS, purchased, sold, con- <br />signed to be sold or exchanged by him or them, which record shall Contain the name and <br />address of the person, firm or corporation from whom purchased or received, the make, <br />State license number, motor number, serial number and style of any motor vehicle so <br />purchased or received. <br /> <br /> SECTION 7: That every dealer in motor vehicles must display a sign in letters <br />of not less than six (8) inches in height, said sign to be olaced in a conspicuous <br />place on the premises, and the same must be legible for fifty (~0) feet, and said sign <br />must give the name of the person, firm or corporation authorized by the State law and <br />the City ordinance to conduct the business of an automobile dealer. The aforesaid <br />sign must have painted on it in figures and letters, not less than two (~) inches in <br />height, the permit number of the license issued by the City Clerk to engage in the <br />automobile business. <br /> <br /> SECTION 8: Every person, firm or corporation operating under the provisions <br />of this ordinance shall be held strictly responsible for the conduct of his or their <br />employees in so far as the sales or pUrchases of automobiles or motor vehicles are <br />concerned; it shall be his or their duty to see that no automobiles or motor vehicles <br />are sold or purchased by his or their~agent or agents or any other person or persons in <br />or upon his or their premises or locationOr locations other than his or their ov~ <br />automobiles or motor vehicles unless such person or persons has a permit as provided <br />for in this ordinance. <br /> <br /> Any ~iolation or violations of this section shall be deemed sufficient grounds <br />to suspend or revoke the permit of any person, firm or corporation so operating or <br />allowing or permitting any one to sell cars off their premises, unless the person so <br />selling was either the agent or employee of the person holding a permit or unless such <br />oerson so selling has a permit of his or their own~ and it shall be mandatory for any <br />~ermittee under this ordinance to determine whether or not a person or persons he <br />allows or permits to sell cars other than cars belonging to the permittee from any <br />automobile lot or premises operated by the permittee has an ur_revoked permit from the <br />City Council to engage in the automobile business. <br /> <br /> SECTION ~: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage <br /> in, conduct, manage or carry on the business of automobile dealer within the City of <br /> Santa An a, who, or which, does not first reOeive therefor a permit as herein provided, <br /> from the City Council, and who, or which, does not have a fixed and determined place <br /> of business for the conduct of such business of automobile dealer, at which place of <br />business he, or it, displays the vehic~ s offered for sale. <br /> <br /> <br />