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RESOLUTION 63-206 DECLARING BOUNDARIES <br />OF CEIITRAL TRAFFIC DISTRICT "B" <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED: That pursuant to the provisiens of the California <br />Vehicle Code, Section 22508, and Santa Ana Municioal Code, Section 3300~ the <br />City ~,ouncll of the City of Santa Ana does hereby declare that all that portion <br />of the City lying within the following described exterior boundary lines, except <br />that portion thereof which has heretofore in Resolution 63-205 been, or may <br />hereafter be, declared to be in Central Traffic District "A" is hereby declared <br />to be and the same is hereby created and delineated as Central Traffic District "B": <br /> <br /> Beg~nning at the Northwest corner of First Street and B~oadway, thence <br />Northerly in a direct line to the Southwest corner of Second Street and Broadway; <br /> <br /> Thence Westerly in a direct line to the Southeast corner of Secaua Stre~ <br />and Broadway; <br /> <br /> Thence Northerly in a direct line to the Northeast corner of Third Street <br />and Birch Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Westerly ina direct line to the Northwest corner of Third Street <br />and Ross Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Northerly in a direct line to the Southwest corner of Fourth Street <br />and Ross Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Westerly ~n a direct line to the Southeast corner of Fourth Street <br />and Parton Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Northerly in a direct line to the Northeast corner of Fourth Street <br />and Parton ~treet; <br /> <br /> Thence Easterly in a direct line to the Northwest corner of Fourth Street <br />and Ross Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Northerly %n a direct line to the intersectien of the surveyed <br />centerline of Sixth Street and the Northerly prolongation of the West line of <br />Ross Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Westerly in a direct line along the surveyed centerline of Sixth <br />Street to the intersection of the Southerly prolongation of the East l~n~ of <br />Patton Street and the surveyed centerline of Sixth Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Northerly in a direct line to the Northeast corner of Sixth Street <br />and Patton Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Easterly in a direct line to the Northwest corner of Sixth Street <br />and Ross Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Northerly in a direct line to the Southwest corner of Eighth Street <br />and Ross Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Westerly in a direct line to the intersection of the Southerly <br />prolongation of the East line of the North leg of Parton Street and the Westerly <br />prolGngation of the South line of Eighth Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Northerly in a direct line to the Northeast corner of Eighth Street <br />and Parton Street; <br /> <br /> Thence Easterly in a direct line to the Northwest corner of Eighth Street <br />and Broadway; <br /> <br /> Thence Northerly in a direct line to the S~uthwest corner of Washington <br />Avenue and Broadway; <br /> <br /> Thence Easterly in a direct line to the Southeast corner of Washington <br />Avenue and Broadway; <br /> <br /> <br />