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F:.: R T n E T Response to RFP# 40-22 <br />TAB 8 VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES <br />Include any additional products and/or services available that vendor currently performs in their <br />normal course of business that is not included in the scope of the solicitation that you think will <br />enhance and add value to this contract for Region 14 ESC and all NCPA participating entities. <br />If awarded a NCPA contract in response to this RFP, as value adds to our submitted offer of our <br />entire line of products and services, Fortinet is proud to offer the following two FREE additional <br />programs: <br />1. FORTINET'S FREE GRANT SUPPORT PROGRAM <br />Public sector organizations face unique challenges in defending against the constant changing <br />cyber threats landscape and most public sector agencies lack adequate funding to purchase the <br />protection resources they need. Federal and state grants can provide valuable funding to the <br />public sector that initiates or expands purchases they otherwise would not be able to. <br />Through Fortinet's free Grant Support Program, Fortinet helps empower public sector <br />customers to find and access grant funding to make their mission critical projects happen! <br />Our FREE Grant Support Program helps public sector agencies by: <br />a. Providing comprehensive grants information for entities that are understaffed or lack <br />experience with grant applications and don't know where to start. <br />Finding and applying for grants can be a daunting and complicated task, but doing so is <br />imperative right now for the public sector since currently there are billions of dollars in <br />funding available for cybersecurity projects and solutions. Our Grant Support Program was <br />created to assist entities successfully find and apply for grants. <br />Our Grants Support Program consultants provide extensive grant resources and services, <br />such as: in-depth grant research, grant funding availability reports, and grant application <br />development assistance. We of course cannot guarantee funding, but we will do everything <br />we can to assist an entity in submitting a successful grant application. <br />b. Identifying all available grant funding for technology -rich projects. <br />With a few specifics about an entity's needs, our Grants Support Program consultants will <br />develop customized reports on funding opportunities that are the best fit for the project. <br />The reports will identify the most relevant fenders based on the project type, the <br />organization type (or types, in the case of a consortium project), and the geographic <br />location where the project will be deployed. Then our consultants will review their findings <br />with the entity on a conference call scheduled at the entity's convenience. <br />We will also continually monitor granting sources and will provide notifications to the <br />entity when grants or funding opportunities are released that best serve their project. <br />c. Providing customized consultation services that help develop project ideas and even <br />expand cybersecurity modernization initiatives. <br />Grants tend to be awarded to projects that address a clearly identified need, either for a <br />specific population or a defined geographic community. In addition, fundable projects <br />