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EXHIBIT A <br />CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (Cerenade): ImmDef utilizes a case management system (Cerenade) to <br />manage all of our client data, The cost of this system has been proportionally allocated to this budget by <br />the percentage of our total FTE of our total staff, <br />IT EQUIPMENT: To account for damage to equipment during frequent travel to and from the shelters, <br />ImmDef anticipates needing to purchase one laptop during this contract year. <br />Governance & Administration RATE: ImmDef's governance and administration rate does not include <br />overhead Costs; we calculate this rate by dividing the costs listed by ImmDef s total budget to get the % <br />of the overall budget that these costs represent. This comes out to 14%. This rate covers the following <br />costs: Executive and Administrative Support Salaries; Insurance of Various Types (including malpractice); <br />Accounting; Audit; Payroll Processing; Taxes; bank Fees; Legal Fees <br />10) please attach your organization's operating budget for the current fiscal year. <br />Attached Separately, <br />11) What support or technical assistance from Vera would be most helpful to your program? Please <br />include any additional relevant details. The menu of services includes legal training for LSPs, assistance <br />with stakeholder relationships, research and data reporting, and strategic communications support. <br />ImmDef would be most Interested in receiving assistance from Vera for political strategy to continue this <br />grant for the long-term. ImmDef would also be interested in working with Vera on a media strategy to <br />highlight deportation defense and universal rep for SA and the larger OC community. <br />121 Share additional Information as you see fit, including any additional funding available to your <br />organization to support the proposed services. The COVID-19 pandemlc has changed the way we provide <br />services. Now that COVID-19 positive cases have begun to stabilize, our staff has resumed going to the <br />Adelanto Detention Center when necessary. <br />It Is more imperative than ever to ensure the City of Santa Ana has a clear understanding of the life of <br />Immigration cases, For example, COVID-19 has caused extreme backlog. The non -detained docket has also <br />slowed down considerably; many cases have been cancelled and rescheduled for 2022, Without a multi- <br />year contract our representation is disrupted and the outcomes of our clients' cases will be affected. We <br />are in a unique time In history with ever -changing policies set forth with a new administration, With this <br />in mind, it Is more Important than ever for as many Santa Ana residents to have access to counsel under <br />the universal representation model, In addition, continuing to prevent detention and fighting for Santa <br />Ana residents to be freed from detention Is in and of itself a success. Together we will be able to fight to <br />keep Santa Ana families together, and on a path to contribute to their work, families, and communities <br />without fear. <br />While we will not be subsidizing this program directly beyond case management support, we will be <br />continuing this program within the context of an organization with multiple other funding sources that <br />are supporting our detained and released deportation defense. The Santa Ana staff members will benefit <br />from being part of a larger team which will results in a larger number of template motions, trainings, and <br />other resources being available to them. Additionally, because we have a large team working at Adela nto, <br />this project will benefit from the 7bility to have other ImmDef staff members cover hearings, submit <br />filings, visiting clients, and othersupport to ensure efficiency In our representation. <br />11 <br />