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Item 17 - Construction Contract to PCN3, Inc. for the Newhope Library
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 17 - Construction Contract to PCN3, Inc. for the Newhope Library
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Last modified
1/22/2025 1:53:42 PM
Creation date
9/11/2024 10:09:21 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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the program services being provided to assist CITY in meeting and maintaining its record keeping <br />responsibilities under the CDBGREGS, including the following: <br />(1) Records <br />a. Documentation evidencing program income requirements in -.conformity with 24 CFR <br />570.504(b((2Xi), (ii) and 24 CFR 570.503(b)(3) and 24 CFR 570.208(a)(2)(B) of the income lever <br />of persons and/or families participating in or benefiting by -the SUBRECIPIENT program. <br />b. Documentation of the number of persons and/or families participating in or benefiting <br />by the SUBRECIPIENT program. <br />c.. Household information shall include number of persons, identification of -head of <br />household, race/ethnicity, and income verification of all household members ages 18 and over. <br />d. Documentation of all CDBG FUNDS received from CITY. <br />e. Documentation of expenses as identified in the Budget Proposal, including evidence of <br />incurring the expense, invoices . for goods or services, copies of any and all contracts or <br />documentation pertaining to costs for subcontractors, plus all other invoices and proof of payment for <br />which CDBG FUNDS were expended, and any payments therefor. <br />f. Any such other related records as CITY shall reasonably require or as required to be <br />maintained pursuant to the CDBG REGS. . <br />(2) Report s <br />a. Payment Request.- Concurrently with the submittal of each quarterly report, on or before <br />the 15th day of October, January, April and July, SUBRECIPIENT shall submit both: an original <br />invoicefrequest for reimbursement and true copies of invoices, receipts, canceled checks, bank <br />statements, credit card statements, procurement documentation for goods or -services, tirnesheets, <br />payroll records, benefit statements, agreements,. contracts or documentation pertaining to costs for <br />subcontractors, and/or other documentation supporting and evidencing how the CDBG FUNDS <br />have been expended during the applicable quarter. <br />b. Quarterly Progress Report. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to keep records of all ethnic and <br />racial statistics of persons and families benefited by SUBRECiPIENT in the performance of its <br />obligations under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the number of low and moderate <br />income_ persons and households assisted in accordance with federal income limits, the mzmber of <br />female heads of households assisted, new program information and. year-to4ate program <br />statistics on expenditures, caseload and activities. Failure to provide any .of the required <br />documentation and reporting..will cause CITY to withhold all or a portion of a request for <br />reimbursement, or return the. .entire reimbursement package to SUBRECIPIENT, -until such <br />documentation and reporting has been received and approved by. CITY. <br />J. Access to Records. CITY and the United. States Government _ and their representatives or <br />auditors shall have access for :purposes of monitoring, auditing, and examining SUBRECIPIENT's <br />activities and performance; to books, documents and papers, and the right to examine records of <br />SUBRECIPIENT's subcontractors, bookkeepers and accountants, employees and participants in regard to <br />said program. CITY and the United States Government and their representatives or auditors shall also <br />schedule on -site monitoring at their discretion. Monitoring activities may also include, but are not limited <br />4 <br />
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