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Item 17 - Construction Contract to PCN3, Inc. for the Newhope Library
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 17 - Construction Contract to PCN3, Inc. for the Newhope Library
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Last modified
1/22/2025 1:53:42 PM
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9/11/2024 10:09:21 AM
City Clerk
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representations by businesses regarding their status as minority and female business enterprises in lieu of <br />an independent investigation. <br />IL - CITY'S OBLIGATIONS <br />A. Pa .meat of Funds. On July 1, 2022, the CITY was allocated $5,088,771 for fiscal year 2022- <br />2023 from the United States Department of Dousing and Urban Development ("HUD') Community <br />Development Block Grant ("CDBG') Entitlement Program. CITY agrees to pay to SUBRECIPIENT when, <br />if 'arid to the extent federal funds- are received a sum not to exceed FIVE IR NDRED SIX THOUSAND, <br />.TWO HUNDRED FIFTY Dollars 6506,250) for SUBRECIPIENT'S performance in accordance with the <br />Budget attached hereto as "Exhibit B" during the period of this Agreement. Payments shall. be made to <br />SUBRECIPIENT through the submission of invoices/reimbursement requests. <br />CITY shall. pay such invoices/reimbursement requests within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof <br />provided CITY is satisfied -that such expenses have been -incurred and documented within the scope -and <br />provisions of this Agreement and that SUBRECIPIENT is in compliance with the terms and conditions of <br />this Agreement. •Failure to provide any of the required documentation and reporting will cause CITY to . . <br />withhold all or a portion of a request for reimbursement, or return the entire reimbursement package to <br />SUBRECIPIENT, until such documentation and reporting has been received and approved by CITY. <br />Documentation may include, but is not limited -to true copies of invoices, receipts, canceled checks, bank <br />statements, credit card statements, procurement documentation for goods or services, timesheets, payroll <br />records, benefit statements, agreements, contracts or documentation pertaining to costs for subcontractors, <br />and/or other documentation supporting and evidencing how the CDBG FUNDS have been expended <br />during the applicable quarter. <br />B. Audit of Account. CITY shall include an audit of the account maintained by <br />SUBRECIPIENT in CITY's annual audit of all CDBG FUNDS in accordance with Title 24 of the Code of <br />Federal Regulations and other applicable federal laws and regulations. - <br />C. Common Rule: Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.328(a), the CITY manages the day -today operations of <br />each grant and subgrant supported activities. CITY staff has detailed knowledge of the grant program <br />requirements and monitors grant and subgrant supported activities to assure compliance with Federal <br />requirements. Such monitoring covers each program, function and activity and performance goals are <br />reviewed periodically. <br />D. Environmental Review: In accordance with 24 CFR 58, the CITY is responsible for <br />undertaking environmental review and- maintaining environmental ' review records for each applicable <br />project. <br />E. Performance Monitarin: CITY shall monitor the performance of SUBRECIP1 NT against <br />goals and performance standards required herein. The SUBRECIPIENT shall be responsible to <br />accomplish the levels of performance as set forth'in Exhibit A and report such measures quarterly to the <br />CITY. If the SUBRECIPIENT estimates such�goals will not be met, the SUBR OPIENT-is to contact <br />the CITY, at which time the CITY will determine if any adjustments to the grant award is appropriate. <br />Substandard performance as determined by --the CITY will constitute non-compliance with this <br />Agreement. Should the CITY determine: that the SUBRECIPIENT hasnot performed its -,obligations as <br /> this contract in a satisfactory-marmer; or if the CITY determines that insufficient. supporting <br />information has been submitted, the. CITY shall notify the SUBR.ECIPIEW in writing of its <br />determination specifying in full detail the objections which it has to the SUBRECIPIENT's performance. <br />If -action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the SUBRECIPIENT after being <br />E <br />
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