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Item 17 - Construction Contract to PCN3, Inc. for the Newhope Library
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 17 - Construction Contract to PCN3, Inc. for the Newhope Library
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Last modified
1/22/2025 1:53:42 PM
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9/11/2024 10:09:21 AM
City Clerk
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2. Automobile Liability Coverage. SUBRECIPIENT shall also obtaiwand maintain, during <br />the effective period of this Agreement, broad form automobile liability coverage with a $1,000,000 limit <br />unless reduced by CITY, which applies to both owned/leased and non -owned automobiles used by <br />SUBRECIPIENT employees or participants in performance of this Agreement, or, in. the event that <br />SUBRECIPIENT will not utilize such owned/leased automobiles but intends to require employees, <br />participants or other agents to utilize their own automobiles in the performance of this -Agreement, <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall secure and maintain on file from all such -employees,. participants, or agents as <br />self -certification of automobile insurance coverage. Governmental entities• may provide proof of -self- <br />insurance. <br />3. Workers' Compensation, If SUBRECIPIENT is an "employer",. as set forth in California <br />Labor Code Section 3300 et seq.,or utilizes participants as "employees," as set forth in, California Labor. <br />Code Section 3350 et seq., SUBRECIPIENT shall obtain and keep, in force during the term of this <br />Agreement full Workers' Compensation insurance coverage for injuries suffered by participants. Said <br />-insurance policy shall guarantee CITY at least thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or <br />modification. <br />4: Equipment Coverage, SUBRECIPIENT shall purchase a policy 'or policies of insurance <br />covering loss or damage to any and all Equipment provided to, or purchased by- SUBRECIPIENT in <br />accordance with this Agreement. Said insurance shall be in the amount of the full replacement value <br />thereof, providing protection against the classification of fire, extended coverage, vandalism, malicious <br />mischief, theft, and special extended perils. Governmental entities may substitute a certificate of self- <br />insurance. <br />5. Proof of Insurance. Certificates and endorsements must be submitted and approved by <br />CITY prior to any work under this Agreement. SUBRECIPIENT understands that CITY will make no <br />payments under this Agreement until the required certificates and endorsements- have been approved by <br />CITY. <br />XI, REVERSION OF ASSETS <br />. A. Upon the expiration of this Agreement, SUBRECIPIENT shall transfer to CITY any CDBG <br />funds on hand at the time of the expiration of this Agreement as well as any accounts receivable attributable <br />to the use of CDBG funds. [24 CFR 570.503(b)(7)] <br />B. Any real property under SUBRECIPIENT's control that was acquired or improved in whole or in <br />part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000.00�must either be: <br />1. Used, where CITY .has given written approval, to meet one of the national <br />objectives stated in 24 CFR 570.208 until five (5) years after expiration of this Agreement, or for such longer <br />period of time as determined to be appropriate by CITY; or <br />2. If not used in accordance with subparagraph 1 above, SUBRECIPIEIVT shall pay to <br />CITY an amount equal to the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value <br />attributable to the expenditure of non-CDBG funds for,r improvement to; the property: Such <br />payment is program income to CITY. <br />C. Subject to the obligations set forth herein, title to equipment acquired.:under the terms of this <br />Agreement will vest upon acquisition in SUBRECIPIENT. When said equipment which' has been acquired <br />in accordance with this Agreement and all applicable regulations is no longer needed for said program, <br />disposition of said equipment will be made as follows: <br />12 <br />
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