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<br />EXHIBIT 1 <br />CR-25 - Homeless and Other Special Needs 91.220(d, e); 91.320(d, e); 91.520(c) <br />Evaluate the jurisdiction’s progress in meeting its specific objectives for reducing and ending <br />homelessness through: <br />Reaching out to homeless persons (especially unsheltered persons) and assessing their <br />individual needs <br />Santa Ana prioritizes effective, targeted, and safe outreach to individuals experiencing homelessness to <br />support these individuals in identifying resources and establishing pathways to safe and sustainable <br />housing. The City has outreach staff regularly working and interfacing with individuals experiencing <br />homelessness to provide assistance and support in enrolling in shelter and/ or seeking other services. <br />During the 2023-2024 Program Year, the City of Santa Ana worked towards the following objectives: <br />1. Prioritized street outreach through Quality of Life Teams <br />2. Preserved existing and increase the supply of permanent supportive housing <br />3. Preserved existing and increase the supply of affordable housing <br />4. Provided housing services and assistance to special needs populations <br />5. Improved critical services to low-income and special needs populations <br />6. Coordinated services within the City as well as regionally in collaboration with the Continuum of <br />Care <br />7. Collaborated with all communities in Orange County to address homelessness with coordinated, <br />regional approaches <br />Addressing the emergency shelter and transitional housing needs of homeless persons <br />The ESG funded programs provided Homelessness Prevention, Rapid Re-Housing, Emergency Shelter, <br />and Street Outreach services. The City targeted actions to addres the needs of individuals who are <br />homeless that includes unaccompanied women, victims of domestic violence, chronically homeless <br />individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth. <br />The range of services include emergency shelter, transitional housing and permanent supportive <br />housing. ESG funds provided assistance for street outreach services, homeless prevention and rapid re- <br />housing. <br />Helping low-income individuals and families avoid becoming homeless, especially extremely <br />low-income individuals and families and those who are: likely to become homeless after <br />being discharged from publicly funded institutions and systems of care (such as health care <br />facilities, mental health facilities, foster care and other youth facilities, and corrections <br />programs and institutions); and, receiving assistance from public or private agencies that <br />address housing, health, social services, employment, education, or youth needs <br />CAPER 14 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)