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Related Bristol Specific Plan Entitlements & Development Agreement (3600 S. Bristol St.) <br />and Staff Resolution Modifying Parking Districts in the Surrounding Area <br />September 17, 2024 <br />Page 36 <br />Implementation of the restrictions will continue to require a minimum of 66 percent of <br />the affected petitioned properties vote in favor of the restrictions. <br />Upon completion of the Citywide parking study, staff will present the City Council <br />recommended parking strategies and regulations for consideration and adoption, which <br />may or may not include the amendments considered in the proposed resolution (Exhibit <br />17). <br />General Plan Consistency of the Resolution Amending Permit Parking Districts <br />The proposed resolution amending Resolution No. 91-088, Resolution No. 93-076, and <br />Resolution No. 2000-062 amendment to the Residential Permit Parking program <br />supports and is consistent with multiple General Plan goals and policies of the Mobility <br />Element, Land Use Element, and Housing Element. Addressing relevant permit parking <br />programs and parking impacts is identified in multiple General Plan implementation <br />actions of the Mobility Element, Land Use Element, and Housing Element. Exhibit 19 to <br />this staff report contains a list of all applicable General Plan goals and policies that <br />support this recommended action. <br />Environmental Impact of the Resolution Amending Permit Parking Districts <br />The action to adopt a resolution amending Resolution No. 91-088, Resolution No. 93- <br />076, and Resolution No. 2000-062 regarding Permit Parking District petitions is not a <br />"project" subject to CEQA and no environmental review is required. Even if the action <br />could be construed as a CEQA "project", the proposed resolution requires no further <br />environmental review pursuant to Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. <br />Section 15378(b) of the CEQA Guidelines defines a "Project" that is subject to CEQA <br />review as an activity that may result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect <br />physical change in the environment, stating that "Projects do not include" ongoing <br />"administrative or maintenance activities, such as purchases for supplies, personnel - <br />related actions, general policy and procedure making [Section 15378(b)(2)]" and <br />"organizational or administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or <br />indirect physical changes in the environment [Section 15378(b)(5)]." The proposed <br />amendment to Resolution No. 91-088, Resolution No. 93-076, and Resolution No. <br />2000-062 modifies administration of an existing parking district program by allowing a <br />single permit parking petition to be considered for multiple, contiguous residential blocks <br />(rather than a separate permit parking petition for each individual block). Thus, no direct <br />or indirect physical changes in the environment will result and accordingly, the proposed <br />resolution is not a "project" subject to CEQA. (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15060(c)(2)- <br />(3).) <br />