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WHEREAS, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15082, on March 17, <br />2023, the City sent to the Office of Planning and Research and each responsible and <br />trustee agency a Notice of Preparation ("NOP"), which was also published in the Orange <br />County Register, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Santa Ana, stating that <br />an environmental impact report would be prepared; and <br />WHEREAS, twenty (20) comment letters were received in response to the NOP; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21083.9 and State <br />CEQA Guidelines Sections 15082(c) and 15083, the City held a duly noticed scoping <br />meeting on March 30, 2023, to solicit comments on the scope of the environmental <br />review of the proposed project, and ten (10) written comments were received; and <br />WHEREAS, a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report ("Draft EIR") <br />(SCH No. 2020029087) was prepared for the Project addressing comments received in <br />response to the Notice of Preparation and evaluating the proposed Project's potentially <br />significant environmental impacts; and <br />WHEREAS, the Draft EIR determined that mitigation measures were required to <br />mitigate impacts to a less than significant level for the following resource areas: air quality, <br />cultural resources, geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous <br />material, noise, and tribal cultural resources; and <br />WHEREAS, the Draft EIR further concluded that despite the incorporation of all <br />feasible mitigation measures, the proposed Project would nonetheless result in <br />significant and unavoidable impacts relating to air quality and parks and recreation; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines section 15085, a Notice of <br />Completion was prepared and filed with the Office of Planning and Research on July 6, <br />2023; and <br />WHEREAS, as required by State CEQA Guidelines section 15087(a), the City <br />provided Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR to the public at the same time that the City <br />sent Notice of Completion to the Office of Planning and Research, on July 6, 2023; and <br />WHEREAS, during the public comment period, copies of the Draft EIR and <br />technical appendices were available for review and inspection at City Hall, on the City's <br />website, and at the City of Santa Ana Public Library; and <br />WHEREAS, consistent with State CEQA Guidelines Section 15087(e), the Draft <br />EIR was circulated for at least a 45-day public review and comment period from July 6, <br />2023, to August 21, 2023; and <br />Resolution No. 2024-XXX <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />