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May 79, 2023 <br />kevin Ting <br />Local Resi-d i? nt iNrtid Busi ness OwrieR <br />Plan n ing Con'`mpssionfm, <br />I a m wrKing to express mar strong su p po rt for the Related Mstol De4elo pinertit and to encourage Y60U to <br />vote In favor of this transformative project during the u pcom ing declslon -making process. As a resident <br />and small business awme in our city, I firmly belleve that the Re lated Brlst,ol Development w0l brl ng <br />immense henvfits artid conteibule 1a the continued growth, vibrancyrr and IiiVabikity of Santa Arra. <br />I met with Steve Oh of the Related tearn and had the eppDrtunity to reviLm the architectures and <br />a menil ies and learn of the merits of the propowd project. One of the" rea Sons I su pport th is p rpject <br />is im potential to revitalize a pred section of Bristol Street through the addition of high-qualky hvusini� <br />that i!s allowed within the current General Pla rL a nd fittirg for mixed -use zoning. This infusion of new <br />energy and vibrancy wil I significantly contribute to the overall nelgh bo ncnc�d and c reate an environment <br />that is attractive to resid-Ents, businesses, a nod wisitors alike. Moreower, the project aligns with the City'5 <br />housing goals and will attract a strong demographic that can revltallze the retai I trade area and positively <br />conkri bute to the earn rn unitys well• being - <br />I particiJIMPY appreciate the Re Iateci Bristol Develo pment's commitment to p roviding m uch- needed <br />attaina ble housing. Haai ng joined the Chambe r of Commence a nd spoken with the Economic <br />DeweIOpmE,'nt depa rtmentr I anti avrare of the past-COVI D struggles of buisinesses and the labor shoruga. <br />M a ny loca I err, plQyeos -of husinesses i n Santa Ana a re cLi rrently faring Cha Ilmges in fi n6i no Su ita ble <br />accorn modatian within the city. I3y Offering a rangy Qf housing Option 5, t h is project wrili not only ad dre ss <br />the needs of these Ind Ividus Is but a Iso foste r a more incl usFve a nd diverse com munity- <br />I n addition to tF-2 ben efits it b rings to the ho using market, the Related Sri= I Deve Ioprn a nt stands out <br />with its artrective a rch it-ecture and the i ntroducti cpn of new retal I and di n ing options for resiident s a-nd <br />neighbors. The m ixed-um nature of th-e deve lopment, with its com pati We land uses, promotes <br />podestria n use a nd sa" by encouragi ng active strut I ife and creadng eyes o n the street- Tb isr in turn. <br />has a positive impact on community security a nd helps dirninish crime rites. Furtherrno re, the inclusion <br />Df a local police sulxstaldorti within the project enha noes safety mea sores a nd provides rea ssurance to <br />both re5ident5 and business owners. <br />By redeweloping the existing reta ill space arnd the im plernentation of the 15-m in-ute City cc RQEPIS with a <br />co rapact mix of com pad ble In nd use s, k he RoLaW Bristol ❑eve Iopmeint will s1hiFt the focus from car. <br />oriented "stroads" to pedestrian -free nd ly streetsca pes, a pgrading our mobility infrastructure a nd he (ping <br />our transportation network- This trO n$fQr ln.0 i0ri will not orwly ertiltiance the aesth,eti c appea I of the area <br />but also promote a more sustaina ble and I ivable envi rQ n me rLt. The irnpact fees and tax generated from <br />this project wil I help local schools and fUrtid comm u zloty services, Related Bristai aligns with the vision of <br />Santa Ana as is city that prburitizo the well-bei rk� and Comroni-enre of its residents- <br />