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Exhibit B <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />Levengood-Bist House <br />1205 South Birch Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92707 <br />NAME <br />Levengood-Bist House <br />REF. NO, <br />ADDRESS <br />1205 South Birch Street <br />CITY <br />Santa Ana <br />ZIP <br />1 92706 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />YEAR BUILT <br />1929 <br />LOCAL REGISTER CATEGORY: Key <br />HISTORIC DISTRICT <br />N/A <br />NEIGHBORHOOD <br />Wilshire <br />CALIFORNIA REGISTER CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION <br />C/3 <br />CALIFORNIA REGISTER STATUS CODE <br />5S3 <br />Location: ❑ Not for Publication ® Unrestricted <br />❑ Prehistoric ® Historic ❑ Both <br />ARCHITECTURAL STYLE: Spanish Colonial Revival <br />The Mission/Spanish Colonial Revival style, as its name implies, encompasses two major subcategories. The Mission <br />Revival vocabulary, popular between 1890 and 1920, drew its inspiration from the missions of the Southwest. Identifying <br />features include curved parapets (or espadaha); red tiled roofs and coping; low-pitched roofs, often with overhanging <br />eaves; porch roofs supported by large, square piers; arches; and wall surfaces commonly covered in smooth stucco. The <br />Spanish Colonial Revival flourished between 1915 and 1940, reaching its apex during the 1920s and 1930s. The <br />movement received widespread attention after the Panama -California Exposition in San Diego in 1915, where lavish <br />interpretations of Spanish and Mexican prototypes were showcased. Easily recognizable hallmarks of the Spanish <br />Colonial Revival are low-pitched roofs, usually with little or no overhangs and red tile roof coverings, flat roofs surrounded <br />by tiled parapets; and stuccoed walls. The Spanish vocabulary also includes arches; asymmetry; balconies and patios; <br />window grilles; and decorative elements of wood, wrought iron, tile, or stone. <br />SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: <br />The Levengood-Bist House qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion 1, and <br />was listed thereon in the category "Contributive" in 2003, as a building with "distinguishing characteristics of an <br />architectural style or period" and as an intact example of a Spanish Colonial Revival -style home in Santa Ana. Moreover, <br />it was listed because it "contributes to the overall character and history" of Wilshire Square and "is a good example of <br />period architecture" as an illustration of the Spanish Colonial Revival style (Municipal Code Section 30-2.2). Staff <br />research conducted in 2024 found the Levengood-Bist house also qualifies under Criterion 4(b) due to its historical <br />associations with Lisa and Brian Bist, who are significant people in Santa Ana's history. Therefore, the recommended <br />categorization is "Key" because it is site has "distinctive architectural style and quality" and because it is "associated with <br />a significant person or event in the City" (Santa Ana Municipal Code, Section 30-2.2). <br />