On motion of Trustee McBride, seconded by Dahl and carried,
<br />lng Resolution entitled:~
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol~ NOr 53-31
<br />Directing Street
<br />Supt. to post notices
<br />to destroy weeds;
<br />fixing hearing date
<br />
<br /> "A Resolution o~ th*~$y ~eUnc~l Of the
<br />City of Santa Aha determining and declaring
<br />~at wee~s which bear seeds of a wingy or downy
<br />nature and attain such a large growth as to become
<br />a fire menace when dry, and which are noxious and
<br />dangerous, are growing upon certain streets, side-
<br />walks, and private property in said City of Santa
<br />Ana, and are a public nuisance: Directing the
<br />Street Superintendent to post notices to destroy
<br />said weeds as required by law: fixing the time for
<br />hearing objections and protests, and directing the
<br />abatement thereof in accordance with Chapter 13,
<br />Part 2, Division 3, Title $ of the Government Code
<br />of the State of California"
<br />
<br />was read, considered, designated Resolution No. 53-31 and passed by
<br />
<br />the following vote:
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 53-32
<br />Proposing to annex
<br />territory; hearing
<br />date
<br />King Street Annexation
<br />
<br />Ayes,. Trustees
<br />
<br />Noes, Trustees
<br />Absent, Trustees
<br />
<br />William Jerome, J.L.McBride,
<br />Orson H. Hunter, Milford W. Dahl,
<br />Courtney R. Chandler.
<br />None
<br />None
<br />
<br />the follow
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Dahl, seconded by McBride and carried, the follow-
<br />
<br />lng Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br />"Resolution proposing to annex territory to the
<br />City of Santa Aha, describing same, giving notice
<br />of the time and place of public hearing thereon
<br />where all protests will be heard and passed upon,
<br />designating the name of "King Street Annexation"
<br />for said territory"
<br />
<br />was read, considered, designated Resolution No. 53-32 and passed by
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Communication
<br />Boulevard stops at
<br />Flower & 6th Sts.
<br />
<br />the following vote~
<br />
<br />William Jerome, J.L.McBride,
<br />Orson H. Hunter, Milford W. Dahl,
<br />Courtney R. Chandler.
<br />None
<br />None
<br />
<br />Ayes, T~ustees
<br />
<br />Noes, Trustees
<br />Absent, Trustees
<br />
<br />The Administrator reported on the result of the investigation refer-
<br />
<br />enoe installation of boulevard stop signs on Flower Street at Sixth
<br />
<br />making a four-way stop intersection and stated that a traffic check
<br />
<br />made by the Police Department did not warrant the installation of the
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 53-33
<br />Accept Easement Deed
<br />Frederick H. Schroeder
<br />etux
<br />
<br />stop signs. On motion of Trustee Dahl, seconded by McBride and
<br />
<br />carried, the communication and proposed Recolution were filed.
<br />.
<br />On motion of Trustee Jerome, seconded by Dahl and carried, the follow-
<br />
<br />ing Resolution entitled~
<br />
<br /> "Resolution Accepting Easement Deed"
<br />
<br />from Frederick ~. and Bethene Schroeder, conveying an easement across
<br />
<br />portions of two lots on the west side of North Baker Street near
<br />
<br />Riviera Drive, was read, considered, designated Resolution No. 53-33
<br />
<br /> In Re
<br />Advertise for bids
<br />Liquid chlorine
<br />(Joint Outfall Sewer)
<br />
<br />and passed by the following vote;
<br />
<br />Ayes, Trustees William Jerome, J.L.McBride,
<br /> Orson H. Hunter, Milford W. Dahl,
<br /> Courtney R. Chandler.
<br />Noes, Trustees None
<br />Absent, Trustees None
<br />
<br />On recommendation of the Executive Board of the Joint Outfall Sewer
<br />
<br />and On motion of Trustee McBride, seconded by Hunter and Carried, the
<br /> for bids
<br />Clerk was authorized to advertise/for the furnishing of an estimated
<br />
<br />quantity of 400,000 to 600,O00pounds of liquid chlorine, supplied in
<br />
<br />containers of 2,000 pound capacity net weight; bids to be opened
<br />
<br />April 6, 1953.
<br />
<br />
<br />