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INS utrfONg Ft.. COMPl.E11ON OF Sp-" 1115CLOSbytt Of LOBBYING ACTIVITIES <br />This disclosure lorrn 66N be tompleled 4 the repodint entity, tnlhelhl tF 44it Irdee or prime Federal red lent, at the <br />InPlhdon Of receipt of i covered Fedetal aetlon, at A rnaledal chenRe ter 1 pravlout Iltin�, pursuant to title 31 U.S.0 <br />eeeven 111151. The rm"I of a form Is mquf" hw each ptryrh►ent of a ment to snake payment to any lobbying entity for <br />Influendne or attempting to Woenc# tih offleer of aeilreq of 1ny saincy, a Member of Congrers, an officer or <br />empployee of Congress, or tin omplow of a Mtmbet Mtn to In connettlon with a covered Federal aeTion. Ust the <br />SF -Its -A Continuation Sheet for sddltfnnld Informillon If the space on the form Is Inadequale. Complete ati items that <br />.pply for both the Initial Aling And material chin a repot#. Refer to the ImplenitntinN guldsnce published by the office of - <br />Management and budget low addlllonal Infotmilen. <br />1. identify the type of covered Federal bellon for which lobbying activity Is and/or has been secured to Influence the <br />outcome of a covered Federal action. <br />2. Identify the status of the covered Federsi action. <br />3. Identify the appropriaie riatelficatlon of Ihls report. If This I$ a follewup report caused by a material 63niie to the <br />Info►mstion previously rtporied, e+rler the year lend stuMtr in which the chance occurred. triter the date o] the last <br />prewously submitted report by this reporting entity for this covered Federal colon. <br />4. Wei the full name, address, city, limit and tip code 61 the reporting entity. Include Congressional District, If <br />known. Check the approprule classification of the reporting entity that designates II It It, or expects to be, a prime <br />or subaward mcl lent. Identify the tier of the tubawardee, e.g_, the first subawardee of the prime is the 1st tier. <br />Subiwords Include but are not limited to subcontracts, suberants and contract awatds under grants. <br />5. If the organftatlon filing clam report In Item 4 checki "Subawardee", then enter the full name, address, rjiy, stale and <br />zip tode of the prime Federal teclplent. Include Congressional bislrict, If known. <br />6. Net the name of the Federal agency massing Ih@ award or loan commitment. Include at least one organitationil <br />level below agency name, If known. For example, Department of Transportation, Unites) State* Coast Guard. <br />7. Enter the Federal program name or descripilon lot the covered Federal action /item 1). 11 known, enter the full <br />Catalo� of Federal Domestle Atsistance (CFDA) number for grants, cooperative agreements, loans, and loan <br />commitments. <br />0. Enter the most approprtste Federal ldentlfylng slumber avallable for the Federal actlbn Identified In Item i fe,g., <br />Request (Or Ptopasal fAF?) number, lnvlta Ion for Old (IFS) number, grant announcement number, the contract, <br />grant, or loan award number, the application/propotal control number assigned by the Federal sgencyl. Include <br />Prefixes, e.g.,1RFP•DE-9o-A01." <br />!. For A covered Federal action where there has been an award or loan commitment by the Federal agency, enter the <br />tetl#fil amount of the awerdAoan cote mltmenl lot the prince entity Identified In Item 4 or S. <br />10. lall'nler the full name, lddress, City, slate and tip tode of the 6b60ng t►ntity engaged by the reporting entity <br />Identified In Item 4 to Influence Ih! eovered Federal action. <br />(b)Enter the futf names of the Individual(s) performing lerAces, and Include full address if different from 10 (a). <br />Enlet List Name, First Name, and Mlddle Inlllal (MI). <br />11. Enter the amount of compensallen paid at reasonably etrpected to be pald by the reporting entity (ltern {) to the <br />lobbying entity (Item 101.. Indicate. whether the payment has been made (actual) or will be made (plannedl: Check <br />all <br />boxes that apply. If this Is a material change report, enter the eumulalivh amount of payment made or planned <br />to b! made, <br />12. Meek the approprlale 61K(0!9)*-heck in boxes that apply. If payment It made through an in -kind conirtbution, <br />+peeffy the nature and value of the In-Wnd payment. <br />13. Check the appropriate boater). Check all bowel thsit apply. If other, epedfy nslurl!. <br />14. Provide A spedfic and "Stied descriptlon of the aerAteit that the lobbylet has performed, or will be expected to <br />perform, and the dale(t) of any services rendertd, Include all ppreparatory and related activity, not lust time spent in <br />actual contact with Federal officials. Identify the Federal oMdalts) or ernployee(s) contacted or the aMteris), <br />employee("), slat Membertsl of Congreil that wert contacted. <br />15. Check whether or not a 01LL-A Condnwthm Shtteelta) h attached. <br />1l. tf+e ktriffyfng aMdal shall sign end date the been, pslnl NOW hAsne, rill#, tend lelephorre number. <br />+"Use rrjlbrttry bswdew for tr,is teltettiorn of knf8esnailon_b isttsrnated M ewsees�e Ae r>ekotne� pca raspeo,�, Gtt9s►ding tM+c Par revle.rins <br />f—A111h. lend aeu cars, Rattntrb� send mainlakitry d+r �u ++ererkd, ind #err ►lerf►y deed re..4e W!1 the conectton of <br />cerrwrrerrMa""1l d,e bu►d:n aasir+►att ee any ed►wr ,Mpret of LMs tei♦eclbn of In4armatbn. Including suncetlonr <br />fo. nedrrc6ng flair bu.ders, b clam tDlik• bf Mwsyhnent and lsKlgfl, hparworp •educrio;h t',vkN Pelt•-atoAil, Washingson. t),t~.:oSe1. <br />AITACHMENT I TO EXH1131T C <br />PAGE IM OF MIREE PAGES <br />