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City, the State, HUD, and/or their representatives shall have <br />unrestricted reasonable access to all locations, books, and <br />records for the purpose of monitoring, auditing, or otherwise <br />examining said locations, books, and records with or without prior <br />notice. <br />If so directed by the City, the State or HUD upon termination <br />of this Agreement, Project Sponsor shall cause all records, <br />accounts, documentation and all other materials relevant to the <br />Work to be delivered to the City, the State or HUD, as depository. <br />C. Audits. Project Sponsor shall be subject to periodic <br />audits pursuant to 24 CFR Part 45. Project Sponsor shall <br />reasonably cooperate with City in performing such audit. <br />11. Enforcement. 24 CFR 92 .504 (c) (13) . This Agreement and all <br />of its attachments, shall be enforceable by City in accordance <br />with the terms hereof. Failure by Project Sponsor to comply with <br />any material provision hereof shall constitute a breach. In the <br />event of a breach, City shall provide written notice to Project <br />Sponsor. City may terminate this Agreement in .the event Project <br />Sponsor fails to cure any such default within 30 days after notice <br />or in the event that Project Sponsor conveys the Property to a <br />person who does not agree to assume the obligations of Project <br />Sponsor under this Agreement. The foregoing provision does not <br />apply to a transfer of the Property to HUD or to a transferee of <br />HUD. <br />12. Agreement Containing Covenants. Concurrently with the <br />execution of this Agreement, City and Project Sponsor shall <br />execute and acknowledge an Agreement Containing Covenants <br />Affecting Real Property substantially in the form and substance of <br />Attachment No. 7 hereto. The executed and acknowledged Agreement <br />Containing Covenants Affecting Real Property shall he recorded <br />against the Property at the time of the acquisition of the <br />Property by Project Sponsor. <br />13. Attachments. Project Sponsor has reviewed and, if <br />appropriate, agrees to execute and acknowledge the following <br />documents in substantially the form as attached to this Agreement <br />prior to receiving the Grant, and any other documents or <br />instruments reasonably required by the City or a participating <br />entity to complete the transaction contemplated herein: <br />Attachment No. 1 <br />Attachment No. 2 <br />Attachment No. 3 <br />Attachment No. 4 <br />Attachment No. 5 <br />Attachment No. 6 <br />Attachment No. 7 <br />Nip\staff£\sk\agreement\ <br />Garfield HOPWA Agreement <br />11-07-01 <br />Legal Description of Properties <br />Predevelopment Budget <br />Conceptual Project Plans <br />Property Standards (24 CFR <br />74.310(b)) <br />- Debarment Certification <br />Certification Regarding Lobbying <br />Agreement Containing Covenants <br />Affecting Real Property <br />Page 10 of 31 <br />