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C. SUBRECIPIENT agrees that any facility/property used in furtherance of said <br />program shall be specifically zoned and permitted for such use(s) and activity(ies). Should <br />SUBRECIPIENT fail to have the required land entitlement and/or permits, thus violating <br />any local, state or federal rules and regulations relating thereto, SUBRECIPIENT shall <br />immediately make good -faith efforts to gain compliance with local, state or federal rules <br />and regulations following written notification of said violation(s) from the CITY or other <br />authorized citing agency. SUBRECIPIENT shall notify CITY immediately of any pending <br />violations. Failure to notify CITY of pending violations, or to remedy such known <br />violation(s) shall result in termination of grant funding hereunder. SUBRECIPIENT must <br />make all corrections required to bring the facilitylproperty into compliance with the law <br />within sixty (60) days of notification of the violation(s); failure to gain compliance within <br />such time shall result in termination of grant funding hereunder. <br />D. All funds received by SUBRECIPIENT from CITY pursuant to this <br />Agreement shall be separately accounted for apart from any other funds of <br />SUBRECIPIENT, or of any principal or member of SUBRECIPIENT. <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees that if SUBRECIPIENT receives Three Hundred <br />Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) or more in EZ funds under the terms of this Agreement, <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall have an annual audit conducted by a certified public accountant in <br />accordance with the standards as set forth and published by the United States Office of <br />Management and Budget. SUBRECIPIENT shall provide CITY with a copy of said audit <br />by October 1 of the year following the program year in which this Agreement is executed. <br />E. SUBRECIPIENT shall keep records of all funds received from CITY under <br />the terms and conditions of this Agreement in accordance with the procedures set forth in <br />the "Agreement Accounting and Administrative Handbook" of CITY, a copy of which shall <br />be provided to SUBRECIPIENT by CITY. <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees to keep monthly records of all ethnic and racial <br />statistics of persons and families benefited by SUBRECIPIENT in the performance of its <br />obligations under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the number of low and <br />moderate income persons and households assisted in accordance with federal income <br />limits, number of female heads of households, and number of senior citizens assisted. <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees to provide CITY with written cumulative (year-to- <br />date) reports of its activities on or before the 15th day of October, January, April and July <br />for the period beginning September 1, 1999 and through and including the previous three- <br />month reporting period setting forth the activities, program accomplishments, new program <br />information and year-to-date program statistics on expenditures, caseload and activities. <br />When appropriate, pictures should be included. <br />Page 2 of 13 <br />