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pursuant to this Agreement, as applicable, against properties <br />located in the Site. <br />7. INITIAL INSTALLATION <br />MPOA shall install Landscaping in any area of the Public <br />Right -of -Way designed and intended for such purpose not later than <br />60 days following the issuance by the City of a certificate of <br />occupancy for any building on a building site adjacent to such <br />portion of the Public Right -of -Way. This requirement shall not <br />apply to Landscaping areas located on the opposite side of the <br />street from the subject building. <br />�• MAINTENANCE STANDARDS <br />(a) MPOA shall maintain all Landscaping installed in the <br />Public Right -of -Way in a healthy and attractive condition, free of <br />weed overgrowth, debris and other matter which is unsightly or <br />unsafe. All dead trees and shrubbery shall be promptly removed. All <br />cuttings, weeds, leaves and other debris shall be properly disposed <br />of. Each party shall comply with all the rules and the <br />regulations of the Water Quality Control Board concerning the <br />drainage of these landscape areas (medians and parkways) into the <br />City's storm drain system, with regard to the irrigation performed <br />by such party under this Agreement. Each party is responsible for <br />monitoring the amount of chemicals from these landscape areas to <br />the City's storm drain system, as required by the National <br />Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and as regulated by <br />the Water Quality Control Board, with regard to the irrigation <br />performed by such party under this Agreement. <br />ri <br />