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Alcala, Abigail <br />From: Wynter Incitti <> <br />Sent: Monday, September 23, 2024 9:48 AM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Focus on Prevention & Rehabilitation, Not Punishment! Oppose Proposition 36! <br />Afteifl.Win,]Ifis eauffl orOnaW fug-mn onutsde o'Cu y o'Sanm Ana, Use ca��fion when opelfing aflachmews or finks. <br />Sainta Ana City CouncH, <br />Dear Mayor Arnezcua and the Sainta Ana City CouncH, <br />As a iresident of Sainta Ana, l urge you to vote NO on the Iproposed resolution supporting <br />Proposition 36. Supporting Proposition 36 would Ihave negative consequences for Sainta <br />Ana's imost Wlineirable iresidents and undo years of Iprogiress lin crirnllinall justice ireforim. This <br />imeasuire, wNich emphasizes Ipunlislhirnent, would lead to Ihliglheir Iincairceiration rates, especiaEly <br />affecting commu6ifies of color, worse6ling iraciall Iinequlities. <br />Proposition 47, Ipassed lin 2014, Ihas saved over $800 iml!Hioin and reduced iraciall disparities Iby <br />re61recting funds to essent4l services Illilke imeintall IheaIltlh care and Ihornellessiness prevention. <br />Pirogiraims such as Project IKiinsNlp and Neutrall Ground Ihave Ihellped iresidents r6lintegirate <br />post lincairceiration, ireducing recidivism and Iprornoting Ipulbllic safety. <br />Endorsing Proposition 36 would return us to the fal10ed "tough on &Iime" Ipollicies, lIncreasing <br />the Iprlison Ipopullation and iraciall disparities Without addressing root causes of crime Illilke <br />poverty and substance use. Proposition 36 would also divert crliticall funds from education, <br />housing, and job tral161ing, worse6ling Ihornellessiness and ecoinornllc linstalbillity lin the City. <br />As a sanctuary city, Sainta Ana imust protect its lImmigiraint and refugee Ipopullations. <br />Proposition 36 could lIncrease deportations and fair Hy separations, disproportionat6ly <br />hairming lImmigiraint commu6ifies. Instead of supporting t1his costly and lIneffective imeasuire, <br />we urge the City to continue focusing on justice and irelhalbilktation. PlIease vote NO on the <br />proposed resolution supporting Proposition 36 and support evidence based solutions for <br />safer, IheaIltlhlieir commu6ifies. <br /> <br />