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Impact Finding: The Project would not substantially decrease groundwater supplies or interfere <br />with groundwater recharge such that the Project may impede sustainable groundwater <br />management of the basin (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.7-12). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: <br />Construction <br />Any groundwater dewatering would be temporary and limited to the excavation area. Because of <br />the relative size of the Project site, as compared to the water basin, and the limited scope of <br />excavation that would be deep enough to encroach into groundwater, the volume of groundwater <br />removed would not be substantial and would not decrease groundwater supplies or impede <br />groundwater management. The proposed Project would comply with the requirements of <br />Groundwater Discharge Permit, including testing and treatment, if necessary, that would be <br />implemented through the RWQCB and the City's development permitting process (and included as <br />PPP WQ-2). Thus, any dewatering activities during construction would result in less than significant <br />impacts to groundwater (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.7-1 2 through 5.7-13). <br />Operation <br />The Orange County Basin provides approximately 76 percent of the City's water supply. The <br />remaining supply comes from the Metropolitan Water District (23 percent) and recycled water (1 <br />percent) (UWMP 2020). As shown on Table 5.7-1 of the Draft Supplemental EIR, the City's UWMP <br />shows that the anticipated production of groundwater would remain steady from 2025 through <br />2045 and that in 2045 approximately 84.4 percent of supply would be from the Orange County <br />Basin and 14.9 percent from imported/purchased sources. <br />As detailed in Section 5.15, Utilities and Service Systems of the Draft Supplemental EIR, the supply <br />of water would be sufficient during both normal years and multiple dry year conditions between <br />2025 and 2045 to meet all of the City's estimated needs, including the proposed Project. Therefore, <br />the proposed Project would not result in changes to the projected groundwater pumping that would <br />decrease groundwater supplies. Thus, impacts related to groundwater supplies would be less than <br />significant. <br />In addition, the onsite soils have a low infiltration rate and do not currently provide onsite infiltration. <br />As such, infiltration of water to the existing groundwater basin is neither currently occurring, nor <br />would occur by the proposed Project. Therefore, impacts related to interference with groundwater <br />recharge would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.7-13). <br />Plans, Program and Policies: <br />PPP WQ-2: Groundwater Dewatering Permits. As listed previously. <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the area, <br />including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in <br />a substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.7-13). <br />