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The Project site is within 4 miles of 6 existing fire stations and the Project site is within a developed <br />area that is currently served by these stations. The two nearest serving stations (Station 76 and 77) <br />are slightly under and slightly over the response time standard 901h percentile of 8:30 minutes. The <br />calls for service from the additional population at the Project site could result in an increase in <br />response times, and result in Station 76 exceeding the existing standards for service or result in <br />Station 77 further exceeding the existing standards for service, if the calls coincide with other calls <br />for service. However, fire protection equipment and staffing can be augmented by the City as <br />needed (with assistance from revenue provided by the proposed Project and the fire facilities fee <br />required per Chapter 8-46 of the Municipal Code) to expand fire protection and emergency <br />medical staffing and equipment provided from existing stations and better accommodate <br />simultaneous service calls. <br />Chapter 8-46 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code requires a fire facilities fee be paid prior to the <br />issuance of building permit for construction of buildings exceeding two stories in height, such as the <br />buildings included in the proposed Project. The purpose of the fire facilities fee is to improve fire <br />stations in the City and provide revenue for equipment needed to fight fires in buildings over two <br />stories in height. The proposed Project would be required to pay a fire facilities fee to fund the <br />improvement of existing fire facilities and provision of any needed equipment. <br />Additionally, the proposed Project would remove the existing buildings, which were constructed <br />pursuant to fire code standards of the early 1970s and 1980s and develop new building structures <br />pursuant to the most recent California building and fire codes, which would improve the fire safety <br />of the Project site compared to the existing buildings. California's building/fire codes are published <br />in their entirety every three years and were most recently updated in 2022. As all projects within <br />the City, the proposed Project would be required per City permitting to comply with existing <br />regulations, including the Santa Ana Fire Code and the OCFA Fire Prevention Guideline B-09, Fire <br />Master Plans for Commercial and Residential Development. <br />Overall, with the six existing fire stations within approximately 4 miles of the Project site, and the <br />first and second responding stations 0.5 mile and 2.2 miles from the proposed Project, the area has <br />adequate nearby fire facilities to serve the proposed Project in addition to the existing service <br />needs of the area; and construction of a new or expanded fire station would not be required as a <br />result of the proposed Project. As provided by the OCFA 2022 Statistical Annual Report, OCFA <br />fire stations responded to 30,604 incidents resulting in 40,244-unit responses. Of the calls for <br />service, 75 percent (22,835) were for emergency medical calls, 2 percent (734) were for fire <br />incidents, and 23 percent (7,035) were for other incidents, which includes: cancelled service calls, <br />ruptures, hazardous conditions, false alarms, and miscellaneous calls. Thus, the proposed Project <br />would not result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of, or the need <br />for, new or physically altered fire protection facilities. Also, existing fire protection facilities, <br />equipment, and staffing could be augmented as needed, as disclosed within the GPU FEIR (with <br />assistance from revenue provided by the proposed Project and the fire facilities fee required prior <br />to the issuance of building permits per Chapter 8-46 of the Municipal Code) to expand fire <br />protection and emergency medical staffing and equipment provided from existing stations as the <br />stations have capacity for additional staffing. Therefore, impacts related to fire protection services <br />would be less than significant and consistent with those identified in the GPU FEIR, which determined <br />