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with proximity to a high -quality bus stop on Route 57, as well as the site's urban, mixed -uses <br />consistent with the RTP/SCS, the proposed Project would result in less than significant impacts related <br />to VMT. Therefore, proposed Project impacts would be consistent with those identified in the GPU <br />FEIR, which determined that the infill and redevelopment pursuant to the GPU land use plan would <br />result in less than significant impacts related to VMT (Draft Supplemental EIR pp. 5.1 3-21 through <br />5.13-22). <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not substantially increase hazards due to a geometric design <br />feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment) <br />(Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.13-22). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: <br />Construction <br />During construction, construction barriers and fencing would separate the operational and <br />construction areas of the site; and construction vehicles would have separate driveway entrances <br />and circulation patterns that would be specified by the City's Building Safety Division in construction <br />permitting pursuant to California fire, access, and safety code requirements to avoid incompatible <br />uses. Also, construction worker vehicles, haul trucks, and vendor trucks, would be staged on the <br />portion of the Project site under construction for the duration of the construction period. As part of <br />the grading plan and building plan review processes, City permits would require appropriate <br />permitting requirements to facilitate the passage of persons and vehicles through/around any <br />required road closures and measures to properly route heavy-duty construction vehicles entering <br />and leaving the site (as applicable). As a result, impacts related to vehicular circulation design <br />features and incompatible uses during construction of the proposed Project would be less than <br />significant. Therefore, proposed Project impacts would be consistent with those identified in the GPU <br />FEIR, which were determined to be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.13-22). <br />Operation <br />The roadway improvements, restriping, and related street, and bikeway improvements of Bristol <br />Street, MacArthur Boulevard, and Sunflower Avenue that are part of the Project would be <br />conducted in conformance with City design standards. Compliance with existing regulations would <br />be ensured through the City's traffic engineering review and construction permitting process. Further, <br />the proposed Project's commercial and residential mixed uses with roadways, sidewalks, and <br />bicycle routes would be similar to surrounding uses and would not result in incompatible vehicular <br />uses that could increase hazards. A driveway is designated for truck deliveries, which would reduce <br />the potential for incompatible vehicle uses between trucks and resident or visitor passenger vehicles <br />onsite during operation. As a result, impacts related to hazardous vehicular circulation design <br />features and incompatible uses during operation of the proposed Project would be less than <br />significant. Therefore, Project impacts would be consistent with those identified in the GPU FEIR, <br />which were determined to be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.1 3-22 through <br />5.13-23). <br />