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As the Frank Bowerman Sanitary Landfill is permitted to accept 11,500 tons per day of solid waste, <br />and in March 2023, the maximum tonnage received was 8,909 tons, the facility had additional <br />capacity of 2,591 tons (Calrecycle 2023). Therefore, the Frank Bowerman Sanitary Landfill would <br />be able to accommodate the addition of 148.34 tons of waste per week. Thus, the proposed Project <br />would be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the Project's solid <br />waste disposal needs and the Project would not impair the attainment of solid waste reduction <br />goals. Impacts related to landfill capacity would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at <br />pp. 5.15-23 through 5.15-24). <br />