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Facts in Support of Findings: <br />Construction <br />The construction -related activities involve the following: demolition, site preparation, excavation, <br />grading, paving, construction of structures and infrastructure, and architectural coatings. These <br />construction activities would result in the emission of GHGs from equipment exhaust, construction - <br />related vehicular activity and construction worker automobile trips. As shown on Draft Supplemental <br />EIR Table 5.5-3, construction of Phase 1 of the proposed Project would result in the generation of <br />approximately 36,506 MTCO2e. Construction of Phase 2 would generate approximately 10,091 <br />MTCO2e, and construction of Phase 3 would generate approximately 34,142 MTCO2e. The <br />amortized Project Phase 1 construction emissions would be 11217 MTCO2e per year while the <br />amortized Project Phase 2 and Phase 3 construction emissions would be 336 MTCO2e and 1,138 <br />MTCO2e per year, respectively. Total construction emissions and total amortized emissions for <br />Project Buildout would be 80,740 MTCO2e and 2,691 MTCO2e per year, respectively. However, <br />as detailed in Section 5.1, Air Quality, and listed below, the proposed Project would implement <br />GPU FEIR Mitigation Measure AQ-1, which requires the use of advanced engine tiers (i.e., <br />equipment engines meeting CARE Tier 4 Final emissions standards), which would reduce total <br />construction emissions to 67,425 MTCO2e (2,248 MTCO2e per year) (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. <br />5.5-13 through 5.5-14). <br />Operation <br />As shown in Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.5-4, the proposed Project's total unmitigated increase <br />in GHG emissions for Phase 1 would be approximately 20,597 MTCO2e, for Phase 2 would be <br />7,325 MTCO2e, for Phase 3 would be 14,147 MTCO2e, and 42,069 MTCO2e for Project buildout. <br />The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment (included as Appendix I to the Draft Supplemental EIR) <br />describes that a majority of the GHG emissions (56 percent unmitigated and 52 percent mitigated) <br />generated from the proposed Project at buildout are associated with non -construction related <br />mobile sources. As detailed in Section 5.1, Air Quality, and listed below, proposed Project Mitigation <br />Measure AQ-3: Vehicle Trip Reduction, Mitigation Measure AQ-4: Prohibition of Fireplaces, <br />Mitigation Measure AQ-5: Electric Landscape Equipment, Mitigation Measure AQ-6: Low VOC Paint <br />(Operations), Mitigation Measure ACC-7: Loading Dock Connections would reduce operational air <br />quality emissions and would also reduce GHG emissions. Additionally, Project Mitigation Measure <br />GHG-1, through Mitigation Measure GHG-5 is included to reduce GHG emissions from non -mobile <br />sources such as the use of the energy efficient appliances, recycling solid waste, and photovoltaic <br />solar panels, and the TDM program required by Mitigation Measure AQ-3 would reduce GHG <br />emissions from commuting. No Greenhouse Gas emissions reductions were taken for the <br />implementation of Project MM GHG-1. The GPU FEIR determined that implementation of the GPU <br />and its policies would result in a net decrease in emissions of approximately 255,878 MTCO2e over <br />existing conditions within the City. The proposed Project would implement the mitigation identified <br />above to reduce GHG emissions; and the Project proposes a specific plan that would be consistent <br />with the buildout assumptions and applicable development standards of the GPU. Impacts related <br />to generation of GHG emissions would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. As such, <br />Project impacts would be consistent with the impact conclusions set forth in the GPU FEIR, which <br />