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that installation of wood -burning and natural gas devices do not occur during occupation of <br />residences. <br />Mitigation Measure AQ-5: Electric Landscape Equipment. Prior to the issuance of occupancy <br />permits, the Planning Division shall confirm that the proposed Project's Codes Covenants and <br />Restrictions (CC&Rs) and/or tenant lease agreements include contractual language that all <br />landscaping equipment used on site shall be 100 percent electrically powered. All residential and <br />non-residential properties shall be equipped with exterior electrical outlets to accommodate this <br />requirement. This requirement shall be included in the third -party vendor agreements for landscape <br />services for the building owner and tenants, as applicable. <br />Mitigation Measure AQ-6: Low VOC Paint (Operations). The Project Applicant shall require by <br />contract specifications for commercial development to use interior and exterior architectural <br />coatings (paint and primer including parking lot paint) products that have a volatile organic <br />compound rating of 10 grams per liter or less. Contract specifications shall be reviewed and <br />approved by the City of Santa Ana prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. This measure shall <br />be made a condition of approval for continued upkeep of the property. <br />MM AQ-7: Loading Dock Connections. Prior to the approval of building permits, the City of Santa <br />Ana shall confirm the construction documents demonstrate an adequate number of electrical service <br />connections at loading docks for plug-in of the anticipated number of refrigerated trailers to reduce <br />idling time and emissions. <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation of an <br />agency adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of GHGs (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. <br />5.5-17). <br />Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project that avoid or <br />substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the Draft Supplemental EIR. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The proposed Project would provide a mixed -use community within <br />a TPA and High -Quality Transit Area which has the potential to reduce GHG emissions from the <br />reduction of VMT. The proposed Project provides for an onsite mix of uses that would limit the need <br />to travel offsite for many amenities and retail/service needs. Providing a mixed -use development <br />in such a location is consistent with the intent of the AB 32 Scoping Plan and SB 375, which is focused <br />on changing land use patterns and improving transportation alternatives. <br />The proposed Project would be implemented pursuant to the CALGreen Building/Title 24 <br />requirements and would provide new land uses in a sustainable manner. The City's administration <br />of the Title 24 requirements includes review of proposed energy conservation measures during the <br />permitting process, which ensures that all requirements are met. In complying with the Title 24 <br />standards, the proposed Project would be implementing regulations that reduce GHG emissions <br />(Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.5-17). <br />CARE Scoping Plan <br />