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Mitigation Measure HAZ-1 requires that a qualified consultant prepare a Soil Management Plan <br />(SMP) to be used during earthwork and grading to identify soils that cannot be reused onsite and <br />offsite disposal. Mitigation Measure HAZ-1 requires excavation of contaminated soils be completed <br />pursuant to existing DTSC and RWQCB requirements, soils sampling to ensure all contaminated soils <br />are removed, and that a certified hazardous waste hauler remove and transport all TPH impacted <br />soil and other potentially hazardous materials per California Hazardous Waste Regulations to a <br />landfill permitted by the state to accept hazardous materials. Excavated soil containing hazardous <br />substances would be classified as a hazardous waste if they exhibit the characteristics of ignitability, <br />corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity (CCR, Title 22, Division 4.5, Chapter 11, Article 3). The SMP would <br />detail hazardous materials excavation and disposal methods and requirements pursuant to the <br />regulation of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations (CaIOSHAj and Department of Toxic <br />Substances Control (DTSC} that regulates the removal, transportation, and disposal of hazardous <br />waste to protect human health and the environment. With implementation of Mitigation Measure <br />HAZ-1 "Impacts related to hazards from contaminated soils would be less than significant (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR at p. 5.6-22). <br />Plans, Program and Policies: <br />PPP HAZ-1: SCAOMD Rule 1403. Prior to issuance of demolition permits,, the Project applicant <br />shall submit verification to the City Building and Safety Division that an asbestos survey has been <br />conducted at all existing buildings located on the Project site. If asbestos is found, the Project <br />applicant shall follow all procedural requirements and regulations of South Coast Air Quality <br />Management District Rule 1403. Rule 1403 regulations require that the following actions be taken: <br />notification of SCAQMD prior to construction activity, asbestos removal in accordance with <br />prescribed procedures, placement of collected asbestos in leak -tight containers or wrapping, and <br />proper disposal. <br />PPP HAZ-2: Lead. Prior to issuance of demolition permits, the Project applicant shall submit <br />verification to the City Building and Safety Division that a lead -based paint survey has been <br />eri I I I I <br />conducted at all existing buildings located on the Project site. If lead -based paint is found, the <br />Project applicant shall follow all procedural requirements and regulations for proper removal and <br />disposal of the lead -based paint. Cal -OSHA has established limits of exposure to lead contained <br />in dusts and fumes. Specifically, CCR Title 8, Section 1532.1 provides for exposure limits, exposure <br />monitoring, and respiratory protection, and mandates good working practices by workers exposed <br />to lead. <br />Mitigation Measures: <br />Mitigation Measure HAZ-1: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a Soil Management Plan (SMP) <br />shall be prepared by a qualified hazardous materials consultant and shall detail procedures and <br />protocols for excavation and disposal of onsilte hazardous materials, including: <br />• Any subsurface materials exposed during construction activities that appear potentially <br />contaminated, based on either visual observation or suspect odors, shall be segregated, <br />stockpiled, and tested for potential contamination. If contamination is found to be present per <br />the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC} Environmental Screening Levels <br />(ESLs) for the applicable use, and cannot be reused on the Project site, it shall be transported <br />