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Asbestos Containing Materials. Buildings on the Project site were constructed in the 1970s when <br />many structures were constructed with what are now recognized as hazardous building materials, <br />such as lead and asbestos. Demolition of these structures could result in the release of hazardous <br />materials. However, asbestos abatement contractors must follow state regulations contained in <br />California Code of Regulations Sections 1529, and 341.6 through 341.14 as implemented by <br />SCAQMD Rule 1403 to ensure that asbestos removed during demolition or redevelopment of the <br />existing buildings is transported and disposed of at an appropriate facility. Section 19827.5 of <br />the California Health and Safety Code requires that local agencies not issue demolition permit until <br />an applicant has demonstrated compliance with notification requirements under applicable federal <br />regulations regarding hazardous air pollutants, including asbestos. These requirements are included <br />as PPP HAZ-1 to ensure that the Project applicant submits verification to the City that the <br />appropriate activities related to asbestos have occurred, which would reduce the potential of <br />impacts related to asbestos to a less than significant level (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.6-24). <br />Undocumented Hazardous Materials, The Project site has a long history of various uses that <br />includes use and storage of hazardous materials. As a result, there is the potential for undocumented <br />hazardous material to exist onsite. Excavated soil containing hazardous substances and hazardous <br />building materials would be classified as a hazardous waste if they exhibit the characteristics of <br />ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity (CCR, Title 22, Division 4.5, Chapter 11, Article 3). <br />State and federal laws require detailed planning to ensure that hazardous materials are properly <br />handled, used, stored, and disposed of, and in the event that such materials are accidentally <br />released, to prevent or to mitigate injury to health or the environment. These regulations are <br />detailed previously and include, but are not limited to, the federal Resource Conservation and <br />Recovery Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act that is implemented by OSHA, and the <br />Hazardous Materials Transportation Act. Additionally, the California Integrated Waste <br />Management Board and the RWQCB specifically address management of hazardous materials <br />and waste handling in their adopted regulations (CCR, Title 14 and CCR, Title 27). Also, Mitigation <br />Measure HAZ-1 would reduce impacts related to other soil contamination, not identified previously. <br />Thus, with implementation of existing regulations and Mitigation Measure HAZ-1, impacts related <br />to upset or accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment <br />would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.6-24 through 5.6-25). <br />Operation <br />Development under the proposed Project would involve multi -family, restaurant, and retail <br />commercial uses that would use and store common hazardous materials such as paints, solvents, and <br />cleaning products. Also, building mechanical systems and grounds and landscape maintenance could <br />also use a variety of products formulated with hazardous materials, including fuels, cleaners, <br />lubricants, adhesives, sealers, and pesticides,/herbicides. A Water Quality Management Plan <br />(WQMP) is required to be implemented for the proposed Project (as further discussed in Section <br />5.7, Hydrology and Water Quality and included as PPP WQ-2). The BMPs that would be <br />implemented as part of the WQMP would protect human health and the environment should any <br />accidental spills or releases of hazardous materials occur during operation of the proposed Project. <br />Mitigation Measure HAZ-1 requires implementation of a Soil Management Plan to ensure <br />appropriate removal and handling of potentially hazardous materials that could be encountered <br />during site excavation and grading. As a result, operation of the proposed Project would not result <br />