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D. Biological Resources <br />Development of cumulative projects could result in direct take of special -status species, construction <br />and post -construction disturbances, special -status habitat conversion, and/or disruption of wildlife <br />corridors. The Project site is heavily disturbed, graded, and is developed with 16 commercial <br />buildings that are surrounded by paved surfaces, and is located within an urbanized area. No <br />endangered, rare, threatened, or special status plant species (or associated habitats) or wildlife <br />species designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish <br />and Wildlife (CDFW), or California Native Plant Society are known to occur on or adjacent to the <br />site. In addition, there are no riparian habitat or other sensitive natural communities as identified in <br />local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the CDFW or USFWS. The Project site does <br />not contain federally protected wetlands or jurisdictional areas that would be subject to Section <br />404 of the Clean Water Act, nor does it contain or is adjacent to any wildlife corridors. The <br />proposed Project would therefore have less than significant impacts to biological resources. (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.16-8 through 5.16-10.) However, as with the proposed Project, all future <br />cumulative development would undergo environmental review on a project -by -project basis, to <br />evaluate potential impacts to biological resources and ensure compliance with the established <br />regulatory framework. As such, cumulative Project impacts on biological resources would be less <br />than significant. <br />E. Cultural Resources <br />Historic Resources: The proposed Project's contribution to cumulative impacts to historical resources <br />was analyzed in context with past and reasonably foreseeable future projects in the City of Santa <br />Ana and adjacent areas in Costa Mesa that were similarly influenced by the historical agricultural <br />and then commercial and residential uses in the region. The cumulative impacts are evaluated in <br />light of development projections in the City's GPU and GPU FEIR that evaluates conditions <br />contributing to the cumulative effect and describes that the South Bristol Street Focus Area has a <br />low potential to contain built environment historical resources. <br />The record searches and field surveys indicate that there are no structures on the Project site or <br />adjacent properties that would qualify as historic resources, and no impacts related to historic <br />resources would occur. Therefore, implementation of the proposed Project would have no potential <br />to contribute towards a significant cumulative impact to historical sites and/or resources. Thus, <br />cumulative impacts from the proposed Project would be less than significant. <br />Archaeological Resources: The cumulative study area for archaeological resources includes the <br />Southern California region, which contains the same general prehistoric uses and migration trends <br />as the Project area. The cumulative impacts are evaluated in light of development projections in the <br />City's GPU and GPU FEIR that evaluate conditions contributing to the cumulative effects to <br />archaeological resources. There is a possibility that ground -disturbing activities during Project <br />construction may uncover or disturb unknown archaeological resources. However, the proposed <br />Project would implement GPU FEIR Mitigation Measures CUL-6 and Project -specific Mitigation <br />Measures CR-1 and CR-2 that would reduce the potential impact to unknown resources to a less <br />than significant level. The likelihood of uncovering multiple currently unknown resources within the <br />Project site that is sufficient to create a significant cumulative impact is low given the built nature of <br />the Project site and City of Santa Ana and few archaeological resources that have been found in <br />