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Correspondence - PH #35
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City Council (2004 - Present)
Correspondence - PH #35
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Dear Council Members <br />It has become clear your City Manager and City Attorney continue to provide you with <br />misinformation, which has led to misguided decisions regarding short-term rentals (STRs). You have not <br />been provided with the complete facts and potential repercussions of your voting decisions, which could <br />negatively impacted thousands of families in Santa Ana. <br />To protect our fundamental residential rights of use as homeowners, we (SASTRA) were compelled to <br />file a lawsuit. We are holding firm and are committed to safeguarding those rights. Yet, we are also <br />dedicated to educating you about STRs, dispelling rumors, and illustrating how permitting STRS can <br />solve many issues this City faces. <br />In that effort, we have created this Short -Term Rental Guide, which addresses the some of the <br />misguided information, rumors and false statements concerning STRs. For example, your City Planning <br />Department is claiming STRS are threatening the public health and safety and degrading neighborhoods. <br />Yet, STRs are typically the nicest homes on the block, because we are required to maintain our properties <br />to a higher standard for our guests. <br />Recently, your City Planning Department claimed over 80 complaints have been received about STRS in <br />the last year. Yet, those 80 claimed complaints are not legitimate complaints. There are a number of calls <br />and online submissions informing the city there "is a STR in my neighborhood", which are not viable <br />complaints. Plus, it's Not a reality that 80 separate STRs received complaints. The legitimate <br />complaints are tied to a hand full of bad operators. Santa Ana has 1,100 STRs operating for the past <br />decade with a 99% positive track record, because there have only been about 11 STR properties related <br />to bad operators. You are being misled into taking action against 99% of responsible STRS <br />homeowners who care about this city. Banning STRs, because of the 1 % of bad operators, is the true <br />threat to public health and residential character. <br />We'd suggest you ask your City Manager to provide you with a report of the negative economic impact <br />that homeowners would experience; from home foreclosures, loss of employment, loss of income, loss of <br />home values, and true neighborhood degradation as property upkeep diminishes - by banning STRs. <br />Our STR Guide illustrates how banning STRs; has little or no impact on rent, and is not an effective <br />tool for solving affordable housing. Plus, how new screening technology makes neighborhoods <br />safer, and the reality of higher -income earning guests and families, that we bring into this city to <br />contribute to the city's tourism and economic stability. <br />ADDITIONALLY, STRS ARE YOUR SOLUTION FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING. FOR INSTANCE, ANAHEIM, <br />WITH ABOUT 242 PERMITTED STRS, GENERATED $5.5 MILLION LAST YEAR. SANTA ANA, WITH <br />1,100 STRS, COULD GENERATE OVER $15 MILLION ANNUALLY FOR OUR CITY. <br />THIS IS NOT A HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO; IT IS A VIABLE REALITY. <br />We have developed a fair and effective STR Ordinance that imposes strict regulations to help you address <br />bad operators. Current laws make it challenging to remove those who don't comply, but our proposed <br />ordinance empowers you and your compliance teams. <br />We are eager to collaborate with your planning department to implement a viable STR Ordinance. I urge <br />you to direct your City Manager and Planning Department to meet with SASTRA members. Likely within <br />90 days, we can resolve these issues together, eliminate costly litigation, and stimulate economic <br />growth in Santa Ana. <br />
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