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Santa Ana City Council <br />November 18, 2024 <br />Page 6 <br />Construction of new hotels without emissions mitigation would result in an excess cancer <br />risk of 48 in a million for the maximum exposed individual —exceeding by more than 4 <br />times SCAQMD's threshold of 10 in a million. (CAJA Report, p. 2.) <br />• Environmental Justice Community impacts. The STR ban would disproportionately <br />burden environmental justice communities because the City's communities most burdened <br />by regional pollution and localized traffic exposure are located near the existing hotel stock <br />and would be directly impacted by increased hotel usage in response to the STR ban, <br />increasing the known pollution contributors to respiratory and cardiovascular health risks <br />in these communities. (CAJA Report, p. 3.) <br />• Traffic concentration and health impacts. The STR ban could increase traffic <br />concentrated on roadways going to the hotels in the City by 7,560 vehicles per day, <br />resulting in health impacts that would exceed the SCAQMD CEQA threshold of <br />significance for cancer risk. (CAJA Report, p. 3.) <br />• Energy. The STR ban would increase energy demand because hotels use more energy per <br />person than STRs (more than Sx more electricity, more than 2x more natural gas). (CAJA <br />Report, p. 3.) By increasing VMT, the STR ban would also increase reliance on fossil fuels <br />to power vehicle trips —the daily mobile fuel consumption for hotels is more than five times <br />greater for hotels compared to STRs for both gasoline and diesel —inconsistent with regional <br />and state climate goals. (CAJA Report, p. 3.) <br />• GHG emissions. The STR ban would result in an increase of daily mobile emissions of <br />GHG by 443 percent, contributing to a significant increase in emissions in the area in direct <br />conflict with regional and state goals to reduce VMT and GHG emissions from vehicle <br />trips. (CAJA Report, p. 3.) Further, Ramboll concluded that the increased energy demand <br />associated with hotels compared to STRs would result in a 179 percent increase in GHG <br />emissions per person. (CAJA Report, p. 3.) <br />• Noise. The STR ban could concentrate traffic on roadways going to hotels in the area, since <br />many hotels in the City are located in one concentrated area of the City, resulting in noise <br />impacts above the City's General Plan Noise Element standard of 65 dBA CNEL, <br />potentially exacerbating existing noise impacts or creating a new significant noise <br />impact. (CAJA, p. 4.) <br />There are also potential indirect impacts stemming from the ban's reasonably foreseeable result of <br />new hotel space construction. The STR ban will cause potentially significant new impacts related <br />to hotel construction including air quality and health impacts from construction emissions <br />including diesel particulate matter, and noise impacts exceeding the City's General Plan Noise <br />Element standard and the City's noise ordinance. (CAJA Report p. 4.) <br />These and the other potentially significant environmental impacts summarized in Attachment A to <br />this letter also mean the Amended Ordinance is not eligible for a Class 1 exemption and that the <br />City must prepare a full EIR. <br />