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Correspondence - PH #35
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Santa Ana City Council <br />November 18, 2024 <br />Page 11 <br />supply to support new development). (Id. at A-47). Further, and as discussed in the Milken Institute <br />study, California's decades -long housing shortage is primarily caused by failure to build enough <br />housing due to rising construction costs, lengthy permitting times, and community opposition, <br />which disincentivize construction of affordable housing. (Dubetz, p. 4.) As Professor Betsy <br />Stevenson, the former Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Labor and member of President <br />Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, has written, banning STRs in fact undermines efforts to <br />"make [housing] more affordable." (Betsey Stevenson, Banning Airbnb Won't Solve the Housing <br />Crisis, BLOOMBERG NEWS (July 8, 2024), <br />08/banning-airbnb-will-not-make-housing-more-affordable.) To the contrary, "[a]llowing <br />residents to rent out their homes can help them recoup some of their investment and make city <br />living more affordable." (Ibid.) <br />The City's conclusory approach to regulation does not meet the standard for informed, rational <br />decision -making. Because the City lacks any justification for adopting the Amended Ordinance, <br />such an action would be arbitrary and capricious. (Strumsky v. San Diego County Employees <br />Retirement Assn., 11 Ca1.3d 28, 34 (1974); Avenida San Juan Partnership v. City ofSan Clemente, <br />201 Ca1.App.4th 1256, 1268 (2011).) <br />5. The adoption of the Amended Ordinance would illegally impede on hosts' right to privacy. <br />The STR ban also implicates the "inalienable" right to privacy under the California Constitution <br />(Hill v. NCAA, 7 Cal. 4th 1, 20 (1994)) by taking away homeowners' ability to choose who can <br />stay in their homes. (Coalition Advocating Legal Housing Options v. City of Santa Monica, 88 <br />Cal. App. 4th 451, 459 (2001) [explaining the "right to privacy" includes "the right to be left alone <br />in our homes."].) <br />These constitutional privacy protections the protect the property owner's right to host STRs and <br />invite guests into their home. In Coalition Advocating Legal Housing Options, supra, 88 <br />Ca1.App.4th at 454, 459, the Court of Appeal invalidated a local ordinance that limited occupants <br />of ADUs in residential zones to the property owner, property owner's dependent, or their caregiver, <br />finding the privacy right "to choose with whom to live in the main residence ... must apply to the <br />right to decide who may live in the second unit [which] ... is still part of the home." Many hosts <br />invite guests into their homes while they are present during the stay, and the City's ban on all STRs <br />would infringe on hosts' constitutional right to privacy, which includes the right to choose who <br />can stay In homes. <br />The City fails to provide any substantial justification to pass the heightened scrutiny applied to <br />laws or regulations that infringe on the right to privacy and cannot do so because STRs have no <br />demonstrable negative impact on the City compared to other residential uses, including long-term <br />rentals. <br />11 <br />
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