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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />To: Santa Ana Short -Term Rental Alliance <br />From: Stacie Henderson, Vice President <br />CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />Date: November 14, 2024 <br />Re: Potential Significant Environmental Effects of Banning Short -Term Rentals in the City of <br />Santa Ana and Requirement for Additional Environmental Analysis Under CEQA <br />Firm Background and Qualifications <br />CAJA Environmental Services, LLC (CAJA) is an environmental consulting firm that specializes in <br />environmental planning, research, and documentation for public and private sector clients. For over 35 <br />years, CAJA and its predecessor company Christopher A. Joseph & Associates have offered a broad <br />range of environmental consulting services focusing primarily on CEQA documentation for private <br />development projects throughout California. CAJA's project experience includes environmental clearance <br />documentation and third -party review for all types of projects including industrial, commercial, institutional, <br />residential, mixed -use, entertainment/events, public sector, subdivisions, coastal development, and urban <br />infill projects. Stacie Henderson is CAJA's Vice President, with 20 years of professional experience in <br />environmental writing, planning, and research. She has contributed substantially to the preparation and <br />management of multiple types of environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental <br />Quality Act (CEQA), including Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Mitigated Negative Declarations <br />(MNDs), Categorical Exemptions (CEs), Sustainable Communities Project Exemptions (SCPEs), and <br />Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessments (SCEAs). Ms. Henderson's experience comprises <br />a variety of multi -faceted developments including single- and multi -family residential, mixed -use, <br />entertainment, retail, institutional, commercial, industrial, and recreational developments. Ms. Henderson <br />received a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley, and a law degree from <br />Loyola Law School. <br />0vP_rv1iP_w <br />We understand that at its November 19t" regular meeting, the City Council will consider the first reading of <br />an ordinance to prohibit STRs in the City (the Proposed Ordinance). We further understand that the City <br />will consider whether, based on the Addendum to the City's General Plan Update Program Environmental <br />Impact Report ("GP PEIR"), the Proposed Ordinance requires further environmental analysis or, in the <br />alternative, whether its adoption is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to a Class 1 categorical <br />exemption for existing facilities. (CEQA Guidelines § 15301.) <br />For the reasons summarized herein, the City's environmental analysis of the Proposed Ordinance banning <br />all STRs in the City is inadequate. <br />1 <br />