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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />• More visitors and residents in need of temporary accommodations will rely on hotels3 which are <br />more resource intensive than STRs by generating more energy and using more water than STRs. <br />This has the potential to result in numerous potentially significant indirect environmental effects <br />stemming from the increased demand for water, electricity, and natural gas, and the increased <br />generation of wastewater and solid waste. This also has potential to impact room rates in the City, <br />because occupancy rates in hotels are already nearly 80 percent, so room rates which are already <br />quite high in Orange County ($209.14 average daily rate) will almost certainly increase, potentially <br />pushing them beyond the reach of budget -conscious travelers. (Ramboll Economics Analysis, p. <br />4.) <br />• Development of new hotels in the City due to occupancy restrictions, causing additional shifts in <br />existing traffic patterns, and a wide range of other potential impacts related to hotel construction <br />and operation. <br />• An STR ban in the City has potential to cause a ripple effect across the region if other localities <br />follow suit, resulting in cumulative environmental impacts from rapid elimination of STR uses, <br />compounding issues described above including shifting traffic patterns and increased VMT, <br />increased use of resource -intensive hotels, and development of new hotels to make up for the loss <br />of overnight accommodations. <br />Each of these driving factors and the potential impacts are summarized below. <br />An STR Ban Will Result in Changed Traffic Patterns <br />Given the already limited availability of existing hotel room nights in the City, the elimination of all STRs in <br />the City will force visitors to and residents of the City to find transient accommodations outside of City <br />limits. Santa Ana is a centrally located hub in Orange County with more affordable accommodations than <br />other cities such as Laguna Beach or Newport Beach. STRs in Santa Ana facilitate affordable access to <br />the City's cultural amenities, community attractions, and public facilities. Removing all existing STR <br />accommodations from the City would, with certainty, change visitor traffic patterns in and around the City, <br />as removal of STRs drives hotel rate increases 54 and visitors will either need to find accommodations <br />farther away from Santa Ana due to the lack of availability or affordability of the limited remaining <br />accommodations with the City. And, as further detailed below and in the reports from Ramboll, this shifting <br />of traffic can result in a wide range of potentially significant environmental effects to air quality, GHG <br />emissions, and transportation. <br />3 For simplicity, this report refers to all traditional commercial overnight accommodations, such as hotels, motels, <br />bed and breakfasts, as "hotels." <br />4 For example, in NYC, one year after regulations severely restricting STRs took effect, that city's hotel rates <br />increased 7.4 percent annually compared to a 2.1 percent nationwide average increase during the same period. <br />PhocusWire, Airbnb takes aim at NYC a year after "failed" STIR regulations, available here: <br /> <br />regulations#:-:text=Citing%20figures%20from%20commercial%20real,even%20as%20they%20cooled%20nationw <br />ide. (last visited Oct. 7, 2024). <br />7 <br />