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Correspondence - PH #35
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Correspondence - PH #35
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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />hotels, and development of new hotels to make up for the loss of overnight accommodations. The City <br />must evaluate these potential cumulative impacts. <br />Impact Analysis <br />The below describes and evaluates several potentially significant adverse environmental impacts that will <br />or are reasonably likely to occur as a result of a ban of STRs in the City. This analysis is supplemented by <br />technical reports prepared by Ramboll which provide further analysis related to air quality, energy, <br />greenhouse gas, land use and planning, noise and vibration, and transportation impacts. The Addendum <br />fails to account for any of these potential impacts, entirely ignoring the foreseeable impacts resulting from <br />elimination of all STRs in the City discussed above. This is a fatal flaw, and the City must prepare an <br />Environmental Impact Report to evaluate the STR ban. <br />Project Description <br />The description of the STR ban in the Addendum does not meet CEQA's requirements for an adequate <br />project description. Under CEQA, "[a]n accurate and complete project description is necessary for an <br />intelligent evaluation of the potential environmental impacts of the agency's action. (City of Redlands v. <br />County of San Bernardino (2002) 96 Cal.App.4t" 398, 405.) "If the description is inadequate because it fails <br />to discuss the complete project, the environmental analysis will probably reflect the same mistake." (Dry <br />Creek Citizens Coalition v. County of Tulare (1999) 70 Cal .App.4t" 20, 31, 32. ) <br />The Addendum describes the "project' as an ordinance "to expressly prohibit short-term rentals within the <br />city", claiming that the existing Municipal Code "does not and has never listed short-term rentals as a <br />permissible use in any zoning district. As such STRs are prohibited and unauthorized..." (Staff Report, <br />Attachment 3, p. 13.) <br />The City fails to accurately describe the project. As discussed in greater detail in the legal analysis <br />submitted by the Santa Ana Short -Term Rental Alliance, the City's position that STRs are illegal and have <br />never been permitted in the City is incorrect. STRs are existing, lawful residential uses of property that <br />have been operating in the City for decades. The ordinance, therefore, is not reaffirming existing law, but <br />imposing a new prohibition on short-term rentals and eliminating all existing, legal short-term rentals. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />As discussed above, reliance on an Addendum to the GP PEIR is inappropriate because the Proposed <br />Ordinance is a different project from the City's General Plan and environmental analysis of the Proposed <br />Ordinance thus cannot be accomplished through an addendum. It follows that the City would be unable <br />to rely on the mitigation measures from the GP PEIR to mitigate the potentially significant environmental <br />impacts described herein to less than significant. Instead, the City must prepare an EIR for the Proposed <br />Ordinance with mitigation measures designed to address any significant impacts. <br />11 <br />
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