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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />Ramboll's analysis concluded that increased travel to and from hotels and STRs in the region because of <br />the unavailability of STR in Santa Ana could "considerably increase" mobile emissions in the area relative <br />to South Coast AQMD (SCAQIVID) thresholds for criteria air pollutants, with the potential to cause short- <br />term and long-term health impacts to sensitive receptors, exceedances of appliable air quality standards, <br />and inconsistencies with applicable air quality and climate plans, all of which create a fair argument of <br />environmental impacts that need to be studied further under CEQA. (Ramboll Environmental Analysis, p. <br />4.) Specifically, Ramboll concluded that the STR ban would result in an increase in daily mobile emissions <br />of approximately 443 percent of NOx and 444 percent of PM2.5 from guests of STRs transitioning to using <br />hotels. (Ramboll Environmental Analysis, p. 4.) NOx causes adverse health consequences including <br />breathing difficulties and increased risk of chronic pulmonary fibrosis as well as bronchitis in children. <br />PM2.5 can damage the respiratory tract, increasing the number and severity of asthma attacks, and <br />aggravating bronchitis and other lung diseases, and reducing the body's ability to fight infections. (Ramboll <br />Environmental Analysis, p. 3.) Ramboll further concluded that the STR ban would disproportionately <br />burden environmental justice communities because the City's communities most burdened by regional <br />pollution and localized traffic exposure are located near the existing hotel stock and would be directly <br />impacted by increased hotel usage in response to the STR ban, increasing the known pollution contributors <br />to respiratory and cardiovascular health risks in these communities. (Ramboll Environmental Analysis, pp. <br />5-7.) In addition, Ramboll concluded that the STR ban could increase traffic concentrated on roadways <br />going to the hotels in the City, increasing traffic by 7,560 vehicles per day, resulting in health impacts that <br />would exceed the SCAQMD CEQA threshold of significance for cancer risk. (Ramboll Environmental <br />Analysis, pp. 8-9.) <br />The City's further analysis of air quality impacts from the STR ban should be supported with a technical <br />study prepared by a qualified air emission expert with significant air quality impact model experience <br />because the analysis of criteria pollutant generation relative to applicable health, safety, and emission <br />regulations is highly technical and relies on specialized models. The City must also find that the STR ban <br />is consistent with local air quality plans and the Regional Air Quality Strategy and, if not, provide mitigation. <br />Increased Criteria Air Emissions from Hotels in City and Outside City <br />When guests stay at an STR, significantly less energy is used, and GHG emissions are lower compared <br />to hotel stays.20 As discussed above, Ramboll concluded that the STR ban would increase reliance on <br />hotels, resulting in an increase in mobile emissions of criteria air pollutants up to 444 percent compared to <br />STRs, increasing health risks and cancer risk. (See Ramboll Environmental Analysis, pp. 3-9.) <br />Increased criteria air emissions will also disproportionately burden environmental justice communities. <br />(See Ramboll Environmental Analysis, pp. 5-7.) The CalEnviroScreen tool identifies the City and <br />particularly the freeway -adjacent tracts as highly burdened, being classified into the 80th percentile and <br />above. Communities adjacent to freeways ranked in the 901" percentile and above, facing an extreme <br />burden from air pollution associated with vehicle traffic emissions and direct traffic exposure. <br />21 Airbnb, Airbnb: Helping travel grow greener, p. 3 (Mar. 2017); Midgett et al., The Sharing Economy and <br />Sustainability: A Case for Airbnb, 2017 SMALL BUSINESS INST. J. 13.2, pp. 61-63. <br />13 <br />