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The Urgency Ordinance contained faulty or incomplete data that may have had a <br />different outcome on April 2, 2024. <br />Both the Urgency Ordinance and the Ordinance state that short term rentals remove <br />housing stock that could be otherwise available for long term rental or sale. The <br />number of STR reported in Santa Ana is 1100. The power point presentation made <br />in December of 2023 shows suspected 1120 rental units in Santa Ana as reported by <br />Granicus (software solutions and information on STRs). The numbers were collected <br />from various STR platforms. What wasn't disclosed is that one STR can be listed on <br />2 or more platforms, so instead of counting just 1 STR, the STR was counted twice <br />or more. Granicus states on their website ( <br />Identification-FAQ?lanquage=en US), under Host Compliance FAQ that "[i�t is very <br />common for a single rental unit to be advertised across multiple listings, and as a <br />result you will always see a higher number of listings in your jurisdiction compared <br />to the number of rental units. " Did the reported 1100 STR units by Granicus remove <br />duplicate listings? Complicating the numbers even more, 1 STR home renting one <br />or more private room will be counted as two units versus one unit. <br />The breakdown of types of STR would have been helpful as it would have given city <br />council a better picture of the number and types of STR in Santa Ana. Over 45% of <br />STR rentals in Santa Ana are lbd/lba unit (private rooms, guesthouses, guest suites). <br />These types of STRs would have no impact on available housing stock. Furthermore, <br />these types of STR have no effect on increasing rents, affordability and does not <br />divert a significant portion of available housing away from permanent resident. <br />Removing these types of STR from the reported 1100 STR would reduce the <br />percentage STR has on the city's Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for <br />2021-2029. <br />Banning short term rentals will not work. Granicus talks about short term rentals <br />bans gone wrong ( <br />wro ). Some of the items discussed in the blog are: legality of a ban, lawsuits, loss <br />4 <br />