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CAJA Environmental Services, LLO <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />impacts to tribal cultural resources beyond those identified in the GP PEIR. (Staff Report, Exhibit 3, p. 47.) <br />This is inadequate. <br />The Analysis in the Addendum Fails to Address Potentially Significant Impacts <br />The Addendum's analysis of tribal cultural resources impacts is insufficient, finding that the STR ban would <br />only affect existing structures and there would be "no earthwork or ground -disturbing activities." (Staff <br />Report, Exhibit 3, p. 47.) This analysis lacks any consideration of the reasonably foreseeable construction <br />of new hotels from an STR ban which could result in potentially significant impacts to tribal cultural <br />resources, as discussed below. <br />Construction and Operation of New Hotels <br />The presence of tribal cultural resources in Santa Ana are discussed above in the Cultural Resources <br />section. The same issues applicable to the potential for disturbance of cultural resources as a result of <br />construction of new hotels apply to tribal cultural resources. <br />As discussed above in the Cultural Resources section, tribal cultural resources that could be present in <br />Santa Ana include Native American burial sites, village or occupation sites, and traditional resource - <br />gathering locations. For example, the Gabrielino (or Tongva and Kizh), Juaneno (or Acjachemen), Luiseno <br />peoples inhabited the region and there may be tribal cultural resources present in the sites for new hotel <br />development that must be surveyed.49 <br />In addition, AB 52 establishes a formal consultation process for California Native American Tribes to <br />identify potential significant impacts to tribal cultural resources. Depending on the specific conditions of a <br />site, as well as the results of tribal consultation conducted pursuant to AB 52, mitigation measures may be <br />necessary to reduce impacts with respect to tribal cultural resources to less than significant. The City must <br />conduct tribal consultation in compliance with SB 18 and AB 52. <br />Utilities / Service Systems <br />Overview <br />The prohibition of STRs is reasonably likely to significantly impact utilities and services systems by <br />increasing demand for water, electricity, natural gas, and increased generation of wastewater and solid <br />waste. As discussed above, a 2018 Cleantech analysis found that when guests stay at an STR, significantly <br />less energy and water is used, greenhouse gas emissions are lower, and waste is reduced, compared to <br />hotel stays50 and an article published in the Small Business Institute Journal also proposed that sharing <br />economy based accommodations are likely to consume less energy and water, and produce fewer GHG <br />emissions and less waste, than traditional accommodations .51 By increasing demand for these services <br />49 Michael Baker International, Tribal Cultural Resources Identification Memorandum for the South Coast <br />Technology Center Project, City of Santa Ana, Orange County, California, p. 6 (Apr. 2024). <br />51 Airbnb, How the Airbnb Community Supports Environmentally -Friendly Travel Worldwide (Apr. 2018), <br /> <br />51 Midgett et al., The Sharing Economy and Sustainability: A Case for Airbnb, 13 SMALL BUSINESS INST. J. 2, pp. 61- <br />63 (2017). <br />33 <br />