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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />significance of these concerns, the City should prepare a Water Supply Assessment prior to moving <br />forward with an STR ban.54 <br />Operation of Existing Hotels — Solid Waste <br />Regarding solid waste, local, regional, state, and federal statutes and regulations require that the volume <br />of solid waste generation and disposal be reduced overtime, including through use of solid waste reduction <br />programs such as recycling and composting. According to the 2018 Cleantech analysis, Airbnb guests in <br />North America achieved a waste reduction of 64,000 tons.55 An STR ban would increase hotel <br />accommodation solid waste volumes and significantly and cumulatively impact the achievement of solid <br />waste reduction goals and compliance with local and state solid waste statutes and regulations. The City <br />must conduct a study of solid waste generation rates in STRs compared to hotels and calculate the <br />reasonably foreseeable solid waste volume increases that would result from a ban on STRs. Given the <br />sensitivity of California state and local policymakers to solid waste reduction programs, an expert study <br />should be prepared by a qualified waste management expert to support this analysis. <br />Operation of New Hotels <br />All potential impacts to utilities and services systems discussed above regarding operation of existing <br />hotels apply to the operation of potential new hotels. <br />In addition, operation of new hotels will also result in a demand for landscaping, cleaning, and maintenance <br />services. These impacts may be significant in areas of the City where STRs are more prevalent and hotel <br />options are limited or nonexistent. Construction of new hotels would also increase demand for utility <br />services generally. <br />The City's analysis of impacts to utilities in an EIR should also calculate the demand for utilities from the <br />new hotel facilities and determine whether the applicable facilities can accommodate the increase in <br />demand. If existing facilities cannot accommodate the increased utility demand resulting from an STR ban <br />and subsequent addition of new hotel facilities, new or expanded facilities could be required to <br />accommodate this demand (e.g., for water and electricity), the construction of which could be a significant <br />environmental impact. Mitigation measures may need to be provided to reduce impacts to less than <br />significant. Absent any feasible mitigation, impacts to utilities and service systems could be significant. <br />54 The California Water Code (§10910 et. seq.), based on Senate Bill 610 of 2001 (SB 610), requires a project <br />proponent to assess the reliability of a project's water supply as part of the CEQA process. <br />55 Airbnb, How the Airbnb Community Supports Environmentally -Friendly Travel Worldwide (Apr. 2018), <br /> <br />35 <br />