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Ibarra, Evelyn <br />From: <br />Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 5:00 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Cc: Gomez, Pedro; <br />Subject: Agenda Item: Appeal Application #2024-01/CUP No. 2022-06/2221 N. Heliotrope <br />Drive, Santa Ana <br />Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />Dear City of Santa Ana City Council Members, <br />usually refrain from commenting on neighborhood and individual projects, but this is an exception. I have been a <br />resident of Santa Ana, and Floral Park, for over 18 years. We love the neighborhood and the community of people <br />that live here. We want to maintain the integrity and nature of the neighborhood. <br />As you must know, the owners of this historic property at 2221 North Heliotrope Drive intend to make their property a <br />cultural center, much like a museum, and they have left the property in their trust to a foundation to do exactly that. I <br />do not believe a cultural center/museum of any kind belongs in the middle of our neighborhood. Buses, traffic, noise <br />and parking issues are a concern yes, but more importantly I am concerned about the precedent this would set. You <br />make an exception for one, you have to make an exception for all. City rules and regulations are in place for a reason <br />and should be enforced. <br />1. Please redirect this issue to the Historic Property Commission for their review, and determination of compliance <br />with the historic guidelines. <br />2. Please review all the other structures on their property that are not permitted, and in violation of the City of <br />Santa Ana Codes. Why would you reward them for non compliance?? <br />3. Please request the current owners to maintain their property according the Mills Act and Historic Preservation <br />guidelines. If they cannot/won't abide to maintaining the structures they already have, why grant them <br />permission for more? <br />4. Please do not make an exception. You do it for this, then how do you deny a 6 foot perimeter property wall <br />like you denied Mike Ness at 1904 N. Heliotrope in years past? How do you deny a neighbor that wants to put <br />a 23 foot watch tower or Danish Windmill in their yard? I see lawsuits for the city. <br />That is all. Short and simple. Please deny this request. Thank you for your time and consideration. <br />KEVIN SHULER I DRE LIC. #01953088 <br />REALTOR@ & LISTING SPECIALIST <br />Neighbors Real Estate Partners/Keller Williams North Tustin I LIC. #01933507 <br />17822 17th Street, Tustin, California 92780 <br /> <br />