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Correspondence - PH #34
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City Council (2004 - Present)
Correspondence - PH #34
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City Clerk
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2) Refer the matter to the Historic Resources Commission for review as maybe required by the Mills Act, or <br />3) Remand the matter for assessment of the status of the Viet Heritage Garden and Viet Heritage Foundation at <br />2221 N Heliotrope and how any continued operation affects the finding that this project is for private family use, <br />4) Do not rely on the process of revocation outlined in Section 41-651 of the SAMC to resolve this issue. It is an <br />inadequate remedy for this case. <br />5) Recommend to the Planning Commission that the City find the right location for this wonderful project. If the <br />owner agrees, relocate this pavilion to a location for a Heritage Garden and Cultural Center that will be inviting and <br />open to public view. I suggest the Museum District on Main Street just a few blocks away from our <br />neighborhood of Floral Park where there are several other museums, safe surroundings, and ample parking. <br />1) Reject the CUP resolution for failure to establish that this project is for private single-family use to comply with <br />the standards of SAMCE Section 41-638. <br />The Planning & Building Agency's (Planning Agency) finding that this pagoda is for private use only seems inaccurate <br />and may not supported by current information. According to the records received from my City Public Records <br />Request, (CPRR #24-1822, September 17, 2023) the Applicant (owner) renewed the application for the CUP on <br />March 14, 2023. In her message to Mayor Pro Tem Lopez, she thanked the Mayor Pro Tem and Councilperson Phan <br />for attending the "preview of Viet Heritage Garden on February 18, 23. The recognition of Viet Heritage Foundation <br />represents such an encouragement for our endeavors to contribute a genuine Vietnam cultural space for people of <br />Viet Heritage and also for the community at large." Accompanying photos of the owner as host with her guests <br />show that the event took place in the backyard of 2221 Heliotrope where the pavilion will be located. The owner's <br />message was forwarded from the Mayor Pro Tem's Office to the Planning Agency with the request to continue <br />the permit process. (Enclosure, TLMemo3-14-23) secured from City Public Records Request (CPRR #24- <br />1822 September 17, 2023). The impact of the Viet Heritage Garden and Foundation, if any, on the <br />Appellant's premises must be examined before a determination is made. <br />*2221 Heliotrope Drive has been the address of the Viet Heritage Foundation, a nonprofit corporation <br />founded by the owners in 2017 and ,possibly inactive since 2021, per the California Secretary of State <br />(Enclosure, business search records; <br />(; <br />*The Viet Heritage Foundation has published a website,, which states that "Our <br />mission is to preserve and share Vietnamese cultural heritage with future generations. We host <br />cultural exhibitions, community cultural events, and youth -oriented educational activities." The phone <br />number to contact appears to be the owner's landline (whitepages. com) and the address is Heliotrope <br />Drive Santa Ana CA. Hours are 9am — 6pm Mon — Friday. It appears from this website that the Moon <br />Pagoda would be joining several traditional Vietnamese structures in the Viet Heritage <br />Garden. According to the website, the Heritage Garden is part of the complex that has been opened <br />to the community. On the website there is a picture of one of the traditional buildings in the owners' <br />back yard and an invitation to visit the exhibits there. (enclosure: The <br />website may not be active. <br />These public sources suggest that the installation of the pavilion could be part of a current and <br />ongoing change to the existing land use from single family residence to public or commercial use as <br />a Heritage Garden and Cultural Center sponsored by the Heritage Foundation operating onsite. This <br />past activity may have been closed, or it could have been paused by the owner, to be resumed later. It <br />is not clear to me from the record that the Pavilion will be restricted to private use. <br />*Therefore, the Planning Commission's present finding that the standards of Sec 41-638 have been met <br />must fail. The additional evidence of recent use of the location for public purposes that was not addressed <br />by the Planning Agency, casts doubt on the finding that the pavilion will not be used for the same public <br />2 <br />
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