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Correspondence - PH #34
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City Council (2004 - Present)
Correspondence - PH #34
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11/14/2024 11:14:18 AM
City Clerk
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It is unfair to require those neighbors who are trying to abide by the City's zoning, building, and permit <br />requirements to watch the owners or their successors appear to bypass the usual requirements, build the <br />pavilion, and then resume the public activities not authorized by the City. The City's position seems to be <br />that no further review or action needs to be taken now because the neighbors will have the right to go <br />through the arduous and expensive process of revocation to get the pavilion torn down at some time in the <br />future as outlined in Section 41-651 of the SAMC. Relying on the code enforcement process to fix <br />foreseeable future problems would require going through the same appeal process again. That is an <br />inadequate remedy for the present situation where there is already significant evidence of recent public use <br />and limited indication in the record that it has been addressed by the City. <br />*Without additional safeguards in place, I believe any attempt by concerned neighbors to repeal the CUP <br />for violation in the future under Section 41-561 of the Code would be fruitless. <br />*If the pagoda is built in its current intended location and that location re -opens to the public, I believe <br />the CUP could have a severe and harmful effect on the quality of life, including traffic flow and safety, <br />of our neighborhood. To sum up, there is not enough accurate information presented to the Planning <br />Commission or the Council on what the actual purpose of this CUP is to decide on any of the provisions <br />of Sec 41-638. Without more, the Planning Agency's conclusion that this pavilion is for private use <br />appears to contradict the statement of the owner in her March 14, 2023, letter to the City to renew the <br />CUP application that was then forwarded to the Agency (PRR #24-1822 enclosed), the filing <br />information from the Secretary of State bizfile, and the owner's apparent website <br />( The weight of evidence available publicly suggests recent or ongoing <br />knowledge and support of at least limited ontinued public use. Since the finding of private use <br />supporting the approval seems inaccurate, then the finding that the standards of this provision have <br />been met must fail. I could not find enough reliable evidence to determine what the actual use of the <br />pavilion, or its impact on the neighborhood, would be. <br />_5. Return the matter to the Planning Commission, so the City can find the right location for this <br />wonderful project. <br />*1 believe this beautiful pavilion belongs in a Heritage Garden and Cultural Center, that is safe, inviting and <br />open to public view rather than in a single-family residential neighborhood. If this is the owner's goal, <br />suggest the City contact the Museum District on Main Street just a few blocks away from our neighborhood <br />of Floral Park where there are several museums, safe surroundings, and ample parking. In the right <br />location, this would be awonderful project The Viet Heritage Foundation has done extraordinary work. A <br />Cultural Center and Heritage Garden in the Museum District dedicated to the next generation deserves our <br />community's support. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Mrs. Ellen Koldewey <br />North Heliotrope Drive <br />Santa Ana CA 92706 <br />My neighborhood assocation, Floral Park Neighborhood Association (FPNA) of Santa Ana CA, no longer <br />takes positions in disputes among neighbors, and therefore has taken a neutral position in this matter. <br />Enclosure/citations: : <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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