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commercial purposes, including but not limited to tours, museum use, festivals, etc. The site <br />will be required to remain and operate as a sinple-familv residential site or the conditional use <br />permit may be subject. to revocation as outlined in Section 41-651 of the Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code (SAMC)." <br />c. (Exhibit A paragraph #2 Page 9) "Prior to any City building permits issued for the pavilion, the <br />property owner shall obtain final City approval for any and all required building permits related <br />to the conversion of an unpermitted structure into an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). Approval <br />of the CUP shall become null and void if required building permits for the ADU are not finalized <br />pursuant to all City requirements, within two calendar years." <br />d. (Exhibit A paragraph #11 Page 10) "Prior to building permit final, the property shall be brought <br />into full maintenance compliance with all applicable SAMC standards. Maintenance shall <br />include but is not limited to: the repair and upkeep of the property; cleanup of trash and debris; <br />repair and upkeep of any damaged and or weathered components of the historic building (e.g., <br />siding, windows, historic features); repair and upkeep of exterior paint landscaping and related <br />landscpe _furnishings and hardscape improvements." <br />3 <br />