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Approving this proposal could set a precedent for other property owners to seek similar exceptions, leading to a <br />LH-5 gradual erosion of the residential character of our neighborhood. Upholding zoning regulations is essential to <br />maintaining the community's integrity and preventing inappropriate developments. <br />Conclusion <br />The Maharaja House is a cherished part of our neighborhood's historical fabric. While cultural initiatives are <br />valuable, they must be pursued in a manner that respects existing zoning laws and preserves the historical and <br />residential character of our community. I respectfully urge the decision -makers to deny the approval of both the <br />pagoda construction and the conversion of the Maharaja House into a community cultural center. <br />Thank you for your attention to this matter and your commitment to preserving the integrity of our historic <br />neighborhood. <br />Sincerely, <br />Lauren Hartshorne <br />2311 N Heliotrope Dr <br />Santa Ana, CA <br />