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PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 34- <br />APPEAL APPLICATION NO. 2024-01 <br />Mason Nakamura <br />MN-1: <br />The structure would be ancillary and subordinate the main single-family residence. The height of <br />the proposed structure in comparison to the main residence is illustrated on the architectural <br />plans provided in the project staff report. The height of the existing residence is approximately <br />25 feet while the tallest point of the pavilion (pavilion roof peak) is proposed to be a maximum <br />of 23'-4". Therefore, the structure would be of an appropriate scale and massing. <br />Moreover, the structure is built in a traditional Vietnamese design sharing a similar design, <br />materials, and cultural characteristics as various other structures on the site, including an existing <br />garden house. Thus, the proposed structure would be harmonious with the surrounding built <br />environment. <br />The existing landscaping and mature trees are not proposed to be removed or altered. To ensure <br />that the existing landscaping conditions are maintained, a condition of approval is recommended <br />requiring that the trees be preserved and protected in place. Also included is a condition of <br />approval requiring that the applicant plant additional bamboo behind the existing six-foot high <br />stucco wall, to help screen any deficient areas. <br />It's noted that the site will be required to maintain the existing and added landscaping while the <br />pavilion remains on the site. If the property owner fails to abide by all conditions of approval, the <br />CUP may be subject to revocation as outlined in Section 41-651 of the SAMC. <br />MN-2: <br />The approval of the proposed structure is not a precedent. Future requests for similar structures <br />will continued to be evaluated on a case -by -case basis by the appropriate review authority, <br />subject to the requirements outlined in Section 41-638 of the SAMC. Moreover, any accessory <br />structure, whether administrative or discretionary (i.e., requiring review and approval of the <br />Planning Commission and/or City Council) is reviewed against the relevant development <br />standards, City design guidelines, and historic compatibility (as appropriate). <br />