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<br />Ibarra, Evelyn <br />From:Claudio Bornancini <> <br />Sent:Wednesday, November <br />To:eComment; Penaloza, David; Bacerra, Phil; Vazquez, Benjamin; Lopez, Jessie; Amezcua, <br />Valerie; Phan, Thai; Hernandez, Johnathan; Nunez, Alvaro <br />Subject:Let's keep making Santa Ana a good place to live. <br /> Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />Congrats to all of you who were chosen to continue in your seats! You got the support of your neighbors and that's <br />something to applaud. <br /> <br />With the elections behind our backs, it's time to look ahead and keep tackling problems, some bigger than others. <br /> <br />Here is a list of what I came up: <br /> <br />- Remove measure X tax <br />When implemented, nobody expected an inflation of the magnitude we saw in the last 4 years. At this point <br />measure X directly affects the poorest among us- from the single mom, to the family who can barely make it to <br />the end of the month. <br /> <br />- Translation of the MySantaAna App into Spanish. <br />A few months ago it was discussed in a council meeting, and promised by a person I sincerely don't remember or <br />recognize. <br /> <br />- Limit fireworks days <br />Limiting the available days to light fireworks to 2 days before, the day of, and 1 day after 4th of July, Christmas <br />and New Year's Day will help the SAPD and neighbors. <br /> <br />- Santa Ana residents to have priority at city council meetings <br />Let's give residents (proven with ID) priority to speak at Santa Ana council meetings (in person, via phone, or <br />conference call). Also, allow those Santaneros twice the amount of time compared to those from out of town, <br />anonymous or unable to demonstrate they live in the City (3 minutes for residents, 1.5 minutes for visitors). <br /> <br />- Protect current undocumented neighbors! <br />It is only a matter of time to see a wave of undocumented immigrants coming from other states, followed by <br />Federal agents catching and deporting everybody under the sun. Let's please prepare to limit the amount of <br />people we can accept so we don't get la migra in our backyard deporting our neighbors. <br /> <br />- Ban little motorcycles <br />You all have probably seen those tiny bikes being driven uncarefully in major streets. Please direct the SAPD to act <br />accordingly. Those motorcycles are dangerous... <br /> <br />- Prohibit running other races while working in the Santa Ana public space <br />If a mayor, council member, city manager, or similar position wants to run for a different seat (even at County, <br />State or Federal level), let's have that person resign his/her current position. <br /> <br />- Make RealPage and similar services illegal to use. <br />RealPage is a service for rental properties and real estate that pushes for higher rents and property values. They <br />are now being sued by the Federal government. <br />1 <br /> <br />