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Rate of California —The Resources Agency Primary # <br />)EPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # <br />CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial <br />°age 4 of 4 Resource Name: Mame_of Structure)) <br />'Recorded by James Williams -Date July 75, 2024M continuation ❑ Update <br />Figure 2. At the rear (east) elevation, the patio is located <br />near the rear wind, partially sheltered by a broadly <br />overhanging eave, facing west. <br />Figure 3. The primary (west) fagade showing the front <br />door and sidelight assembly, including the ribbed -class <br />sidelight pane, facina east. <br />Figure 4. The front porch, located on the primary (west) Figure 5. Tripartite focal window on the front i <br />fagade, is partially enclosed on the north by a low, wood consists of a fixed central sash two flanking <br />railinc featurinc an offset and oattern. facina southeast. sashes. facina north. <br />Figure 6. The patio, at a juncture of the south and east Figure 7. The detached garage, located southeast of the <br />elevations, is the location of the rear patio and two primary residence, has a pyramidal roof moderate <br />secondary entrances, facing north. overhangs and asphalt shingle cladding to match the <br />DPR 523L <br />